Dog makes a withdrawal, mouse tidies up, funny cat memes, dancing birds, and more.
Couple Sifts Through Dog Waste After Doodle Eats $4,000 in Cash
People, via Murray C.
Mouse secretly filmed tidying man’s shed every night
The Guardian, via Diane B., Elizabeth G. & Julie K.
Two Featherless Birds Run Around The House, Dance Like No One’s Watching
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via Arne
And finally: Crochet Touché!
Andrew Y. shares a creative artist with two patient dogs and lots of free time.
Crochet person has waaaaaay too much time on her hands! (Tho some hats are very cute!)
I don’t even have time to watch the whole video right now!
The hats are fantastic! If I had dogs, I’d copy many of the designs. My cats would claw out my eyes if I made them wear hats.
Perhaps they’re selling them so this is like a catalog?
Can I hire that mouse?
Such a gorgeous pair!

I know! So cool they belong to one person. Never seen a two color iris cat in black fur before!
If someone ask you the difference between an American bar and a UK pub just show them this picture LOL!!
Mike’s hovertexts deserve an award today–they may be the best he’s ever written.
Welsh Tidy Mouse had me howling with laughter (as I recoiled in terror). Really need one of these for my coffee table, which is currently covered in fiber projects. Only not a mouse.
See, I’d want the mouse—as long as it was only ONE mouse. They have tendency to explode with babies! My sister had MANY mice as pets for years!
Crochet #32 and the ear!
It’s Mondaying all over the place here.
I couldn’t watch the naked birds; they hit too close to home. I opened the fridge and discovered the bag containing tonight’s chicken had torn and leaked EVERYWHERE! (My bad. I didn’t put it in a tray.) The pieces of chicken were flopped all over the shelf.
Hubby helped me clean, and fridge shelves are in hot bleach water in the tub. Hubby very kindly did the dishes, and then ran the garburator without thinking, and the second sink drain blew garburator grunge all over the kitchen. Now he has to go to work, and I am left with finishing the fridge, bleaching the kitchen, doing several loads of laundry, plus taking down Christmas decorations, cleaning bathroom, cleaning birdcage and prepping for polar vortex later this week.
I’ll watch birdies later, when I can relax.
That sounds absolutely horrid, Duckie!!🫣 Best of luck with the clean-up!👍🏼
Birdies are sweet💙
we had some friends who won a turkey at I think it was a golf tournament years ago.
However it turns out that it was a live bird, they didn’t know what to do with it.
So they gave it some sort of gas to kill, then plucked it and put it in the fridge while they went to the airport to pick up relatives.
When they came back, they heard noises from the fridge. Inside they found a naked, angry turkey who had fouled the entire fridge, eaten the side dishes and rushed the family.
Then in a panic they all ran around until the turkey, seeing the open front door, escaped out of the house.
Only to be hit by a passing car and killed.
They went out for thanksgiving.
OMG, I’m howling over here. I would never be able to eat turkey after that.
Same here. Thank you SOOOOO much, Kar. I desperately needed that laugh.
Things are getting better here.
LOL! I believe that falls under “everything’s funny if it happens to someone else.” I don’t think I’d ever eat turkey again, either.
I’d take it as a sign from the universe to go vegetarian.
This should be a TV show or something.
I’m so sorry Duckie. That does sound like a MONDAY. I hope it all turns out ok and that tomorrow is better.
I’m so happy that nekkid birdies have such wonderful people to look after them. That is real dedication to get your money back after the dog ate it, not sure if I could do that. If I was sure my two wouldn’t try to eat it, I’d love to have Welsh mousie come organize my house. I think that lady needs a new hobby instead of crocheting, here dogs are so patient but a revolt may be at hand. They are cute but wow, that’s a lot of hats.
I’m thinking the mouse is maybe a genius. The two featherless birds are so touching. I’m so glad they have loving people to take care of them.
Laughing to keep from crying.
Doesn’t directly affect me, but the neighbours at the other end of the hall and one floor down have a blocked pipe, and it’s raining in our parkade. Part of me is hoping they will simply declare the building as too old to be safe, and we can collect our money and leave.
There was an article about the Mouse Tidier in the Washington Post too!