Welcome to the Caturday open thread, and today reader Tara O. shares an image of her cat being a real pill.
Attached is a picture dedicated to Georgiana and all other cat mommies who have give daily pills. Here is Jacques who managed to pitooee his thyroid pill right out of his pill pocket. Of course this means he gets another one.

Ah, happy memories of wrestling cats into submission, wrapping them in towels, being tricked into thinking they’ve swallowed the pill, then finding said pill regurgitated in a corner…
It’s been a weird week at the Shortcakery. Early on Monday morning I stupidly neglected to put the light on before negotiating a narrow staircase whilst holding a glass in one hand. Two steps before reaching the bottom I slipped, twisting my ankle and hurling broken glass all over the place. My ankle swelled up like a balloon, causing me to take it easy with my foot elevated for a couple of days. On Wednesday night, as I was doing this, there was an ominous cracking noise from the admittedly decrepit armchair I was sitting on…then the seat collapsed under me. So I’m now looking for the affordable two-seater sofa I really wanted to buy seven years ago when I first moved here!
O Alice! Ouch!😣 Take extra care of that ankle and go to emergency services if necessary.
The ankle is now almost back to it’s normal size, which is a relief as I couldn’t zip my boot up!
Alice, hope you can keep your feet up all weekend to heal. And have fun shopping! Wait, those two concepts are contradictory unless you’re shopping online.
I am indeed shopping online, and I’ve just found an ideal sofa at a reasonable price. It can be surprisingly hard to find upholstered furniture that doesn’t look overpowering in a small room.
oooh Alice, I hope your ankle heals well! That’s awful. And good luck with the sofa hunt!
I’ve been in that same situation many times LOL! I love the look of satisfaction on his face, he looks so proud on himself for spitting out the pill. Jacques is such a gorgeous boy!
I can’t use pills pocket with Minnie because she isn’t food motivated at all and has never liked treats. What I do is wrap her in an old pillow sham to deactivate the murder mittens, she may not have most of her tweet anymore but she has ALL her claws and shove the pill down her throat. Not pleasant for either of us but if it’s what we have to do to keep her here with me then that’s what will do and she doesn’t really mind that much, most of the time after the deed is done she’ll usually just sit there.
This is her this morning getting her pill.

That is a very resigned face!
Sweet Minnie!
Have you tried those devices that hold the pill and have a plunger to send it straight down the throat? I’ve had good luck with those.
No I have not, I wonder if it would work since I have to cut her new medication in half and it’s a tiny pill to start with.
oh my gosh. That face! Poor Minnie – oh sweetie – it’s okay. We love you.
Poor Jacques and poor Alice. Sounds like it’s been a rough go all around. Pills are somewhat easy compared to the dreaded liquid meds. That usually ends up being flung everywhere. And said animal then has the indignity of probably needing a bath. Just remember Jacques, we’re doing this to keep you healthy and around longer.
Happy Caturday! Today’s high is supposed to be 60F. Lots of rain and wind again last night (but the wind wasn’t as bad as earlier in the week.) Currently 50 and partly sunny but still a tad windy (my little weather widget says rain but it is not raining).
Ouch, Alice that sounds painful.
I’ve thankfully never had to give a cat a pill. My mom used to put the dog’s pill in a piece of soft kibble and she was none the wiser.
I need to go to Home Depot. And then to Home Depot…
(they’re both only about an hour away from me)
(Also, I got a covid shot finally yesterday, which I’ve been putting off, so now my arm hurts.)
We finally got snow!❄️🌨️ BIG system came thru yesterday evening and is still going on now. Very confused little animals outside. Temps will fall today into the NEGATIVE NUMBERS, and stay around into next week.
It’s Winter☃️😁
I’d work for either of them! What happy cats.
It always amazes me how they can find that pill when they gobble everything so fast! Very annoying😁
Oooooo, that’s GOOD!😂
It is a freaking cold Saturday morning here, minus 15 Celsius. I could definitely use a warm kitty to cuddle with, pilling notwithstanding.
Starting to feel better. Lung specialist has me on prescription for pneumonia. Not impressed with side effects, but the stuff is definitely working.
Keeping Little Duckie warm with an ongoing series of Magic Bags heated in the microwave. The tiny monster is also staking out my tea mug. I expect her to occupy its rim any day now.
New Year’s resolution going well. All extra money is going into paying off the line of credit. I can do taxes soon, and that will be a HUGE chunk. Hubby has also been pulling a few extra shifts, and that, too, is credit line bound.
Secondary resolution is to organize my craft supplies. Will be getting storage bins and large ziplock bags to make it easier.
Going back into hibernation mode. Be safe, everyone.
Glad you’re getting back to good health, Duckie. I too use large ziplocs and storage bins–they make a huge difference.
Jacques is so smart! And so impressed with his own pitooee (sp) skills!
Remember how Colorado’s weather always seems to be the opposite of everybody else’s? Not this weekend! When I got up this morning, it was very very winter–negative 15 degrees F with some snow on the ground. It’s now -10 and we’ve got a wind chill warning until Tuesday. I’m getting my groceries delivered this weekend and I ain’t leaving the house. It’s a good thing I walked around the lake last weekend!
Hugs to you all.
Once, after multiple attempts to get a pill into our little goofball (RIP), I shoved it into one of her Temptations chewy treats in hopes that she wouldn’t notice it. As she was eating it, the treat fell apart and the pill fell out. She ate all the pieces of the treat…and then ate the pill. 🤣
I once had to re- tranquilizer pill a cat in an airport bathroom before a flight. There are no doors to the restroom and the cubicle doors don’t go down to the floor with people walking around us. I pulled the cat out of the carrier, held my breath and went for it- imagining the whole time the scenario of cat escaping and ending up on the runway- pill went in, cat stuffed back into the carrier- breath released.
I’m imagining a lot of horrible scenarios in my head, glad that it worked out.
Those family or companion bathrooms are great, can shut the door so no one’s running away.
I don’t think I’ve seen such a weird winter, I just took a look outside and the predicted winter storm did not materialized at all, we had a sprinkling of snow this morning and now it raining. It’s raining in Montreal in the middle of January and the little bit of snow we had is melting!
I am very lucky with Jacques, he is an easy cat to take care of. He trusts me and even if I have to shove a pill into him, he is resigned about it. He loves his Greenies and those pill pockets – thank goodness! And they can all count, so I have to put the exact number of treats in the bowl or there’s trouble. 😉
I hope everyone is staying warm. I’m hoping for some snow next week – we had absolutely nothing last year.
A story for the crafty people:
Stranger crochets hat mid-flight for baby sitting next to her on child’s 1st flight
Awww! So sweet – I love stories like this. Thanks for posting Allein.
That is very sweet. It’s fun to surprise people–even very little ones–with handmade stuff.
Allien!, thank you for the links & yoga pose suggestion photo— 😀 good times.