Time for a Caturday cuddle puddle as reader Squiddy shares a serene moment she captured last Christmas:
This is Christmas morning and my sweet little nuggets are welcoming in the holiday slowly. They had a busy morning of … also just taking a nap. They are my best Christmas present every year.

Sigh. I wish I could squeeze into the middle of that cuddle puddle.
I wanna join in the puddle too. Looks warm, and soft, and imagine being surrounded by all that purring. I have a mini puddle going on with one dog curled in my lap. Relaxing and drinking Lady Grey hot tea before I get my day started. Breakfast out at a new restaurant, then taking the dogs for a walk in the park if it doesn’t rain, and this afternoon a Lego group meeting. Tomorrow off to meet my women’s group for coffee and then shopping for the ever elusive jeans that fit. I think I need to go back to work just to recuperate, lol. But it should be interesting as the unions representing professors and facility people are on strike next week at my job (I work at a state university), and I won’t know how crazy it will be until I show up. Luckily our bosses said we can work from home if we’re not comfortable crossing picket lines so I may be turning around as soon as I get there.
I’m glad your bosses have provided options. Employees at state colleges and universities are routinely getting treated very badly these days. You’ve reminded me that I need to call my friend, a full professor who got fired from his job along with a bunch of other tenured people–the friend has had a hard time deciding what to do next.
Can I join?
Started my morning with my dad coming over to help clear a partial clog in my toilet. It would drain but wasn’t flushing properly. So that was fun. And now my plan is to clean the bathroom. Which needs doing, anyway, but wasn’t necessarily on the agenda for today.
Not to get political at all, but I was watching an interview with George Conway the other day and noticed on the counter behind him there was a row of 6 different-colored Corgi figurines. One solid yellow, one leopard-print, the others are multicolored with various patterns (they were a little blurry though so it was hard to tell; yes I paused the video to look closer). I’ve seen a couple other interviews with him recently and heard a dog barking off-screen (which he, very professionally, completely ignored, while I was hoping the dog would come say hi cuz I wanted to know what kind of dog it was). I googled on the off chance I’d find a picture of this collection; I didn’t but there were some family pictures that included a Corgi.
After some more googling, they might be these guys, or similar. (Not much useful in the video background for judging size; his might be smaller but they look like they could be from the same artist.)
Cuddle puddles are the best, and these guys are pros. They’re also adorable beyond belief. Got to share in the cuddle puddle with my own boys this morning, as we do most Saturdays. Swap out one solid tabby with another orange and a panther, and you’d have my brood.
Busy weekend starts in a few! Haircut, shopping, and brunch at a favorite local place. Then I get into the studio to sew from my handwoven fabric. Tomorrow afternoon, I’m seeing The Book of Mormon at a nearby theater. My crafting time will be chopped up by these adventures, as opposed to the usual full-day periods. But it’s good to mix up my usual routine, right?
I’d gladly stay home with the girls…
Apologies – not an Olive and Mabel video. Although they do feature…
It’s just that I headed to the mountains recently and it was such a good day that I wanted to post it. Some of you might like to see it anyway.
Besides, if I do a solo expedition, then I always make sure to tell them about it when I get back.
This was in the Mamores, just east of Ben Nevis. Four peaks: Sgùrr Eilde Mòr, Binnein Beag, Binnein Mòr and Na Gruagaichean.
Also, fear not, the camera makes things look more precipitous than they are. No danger at all on this outing, using crampons on thin but hard-packed snow. Just the usual danger of my fingertips falling off with the cold.”
Ooooooh…a circle rainbow! Never seen one like that!
He says in the first comment:
“For those asking, the halo at 7.30 is a brocken spectre. Quite often seen in the mountains when the sun is behind and above you, casting your shadow on to clouds below. Often seen as well from an aeroplane just above the clouds.”
I the love cuddle puddle! I woke up with 3 cats in my bed this morning, one sleeping on my legs, another against my side and a third sitting next to my head staring at me two inches from my nose, I wish I could of stayed
It’s cold and grey outside and I just feel low energy it’s been an hectic week and I just feel like not doing much so I’m going to take it easy today and just read a book and load the slow cooker for diner tonight and that will be it for me today.
Tired and grumpy. Would love to join this cuddle puddle and sleep it off.
Snow on the ground, rain in the air.
Duckie laid an egg for hubby’s bday on Wednesday.
Finally starting to recover from chest cold from Christmas. Prescription worked its usual magic.
Thinking about getting a Cricut machine.
Off to wrap myself in fleece and then around a mug of tea.
Stay safe, everyone.
I have two old Cricuts, bought about 25 yrs ago. I have a lot of cartridges. Wonder if they’d work on the new ones? Most likely never gonna use them, so let me know if they would work on the Cricut you get and I will send them to ya!😁
Oh, wow! Will do.
Thank you!
My sympathies to everyone facing extreme weather conditions – York was spared the recent heavy snowfall but we are expecting strong winds and lots of rain tomorrow.
Last week I finally got round to having a second set of ear piercings done. What a difference to the first ones I had back in the 70s in the back room of a jewellers shop, where the standard of hygeine was so poor both piercings got infected and took months to heal! The new ones have been no trouble at all.
In other news, five years after Covid my traditional holiday routine of two annual visits to Stratford-upon-Avon to see as many Shakespeare (and other) plays as possible is now back in operation. I’m looking forward to Love’s Labour’s Lost, Pericles, The Merry Wives of Windsor and The School For Scandal, with Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Othello, Marlowe’s Edward II and a new version of the fairy tale The Red Shoes coming next season.
When I was an undergraduate at Northwestern, still in the theater program (for costume design), I worked costumes for Pericles. A young Harry Lennix was in it as Pericles—he was in at least one of The Matrix movies. Between acts, we had to get his “wife” pregnant backstage. It was always a big laugh for the crew and the young actress.
Is there an app for that?
Sounds wonderful.