It’s Caturday, which can only mean one thing: Somewhere, someone is being judged by a cat. Today it’s reader Georgiana Y., who writes “I have a feeling I’m not up to Minnie’s standards sometime.”

Fortunately, judgmentalism can be very tiring, and soon Minnie requires a nap.

Minnie is a beautiful cat! She has high standards👍🏼
I love seeing all the books on your shelves. Can’t read titles, but I know I’ve found a kindred soul💙
That’s just a tiny portion of our books and my husband keeps buys physical books so we’re really running out of space. To make room we gave away all the books from our childhood and youth to charitable organizations and because of my vision I only buy ebooks now, they are easier for me to read.
When I retired from teaching I had to force myself to give away all my kid books☹️ I had been collecting books for years and when I packed up to leave home to teach, I had over 2,000! When I left teaching I don’t even know how many I had. 5,000–8,000? ( Don’t count anything below fourth grade)
I read ebooks also, cos it’s easier than getting to the library, but nothing replaces a real book🥰
I can’t even go to my usual library until May! (At least that’s their planned reopening date.) My county library’s headquarters (which is the closest branch to me) is closed for renovations. They are doing pickup so you can put something on hold and go to the back entrance to get it (like during covid) but that’s probably not something I’ll bother with (partly because it’s only from 10-4 on weekdays when I’d be working). There are maybe three or four other branches (out of 13 total) that I’d be willing to drive to if necessary (but only one is likely) if there’s something I decide I really want to read…but I have more than enough at home, anyway, and I’m in the middle of a book now, and I just got a notification that an ebook I have on hold is available (I’ve decided to ignore it; it will automatically reschedule it after 3 days and it’ll just move the next person in line above me; hopefully by the time it’s available again I’ll have finished the one I’m reading now).
I hope your books are shelved in alphabetical order. It’s a well-known fact that cats react adversely to chaotic bookshelves.
When I refurbished and rearranged the Shortcakery I moved most of my books downstairs to the living room. It’s amazing how books can trigger memories – I’m currently looking at the copy of “The Canterbury Tales” I bought at Heffers in Cambridge back in September 1976 when I was still at school. My parents and I were on our first and last canal boat holiday, and although I enjoyed the novelty of it we were all unpleasantly surprised by the TERRIBLE condensation we had to contend with! One of my favourite memories is of waking up very early one morning to find the boat surrounded by swans.
I too love seeing books on shelves. It’s a great way to get to know someone!
I’ve switched to ebooks (and now audiobook), so it’s just not the same to browse. My physical books are pretty limited–if I kept one, it’s because the book matters as much as its content, if that makes sense. Someone walking into my house would get some sense of me, but not as much as if they saw my digital collections.
At least Minnie doesn’t have little human hands.
So the VPN has been down at work since the 16th. I had to go in all five days this week! Which means I had to find something to wear for five days in a row! And the other day they sent an email saying that the problem is a security issue with the software (not my company) but they’ve been working on something anyway and should have everyone set up …in 4-6 weeks. And next week is closing week which means I work on Sunday which means either I go to the office tomorrow or cram everything into five days which I don’t really want to do. At least it’ll be quiet. Also my boss has jury duty for the next two weeks and apparently being a VP of finance during a month-end close was not a good enough excuse for the court. So this ought to be interesting. He mentioned possibly shifting my schedule one or two days and coming in later, so he can come in after court and we can finish stuff up later. (The worst part of that would be missing Jeopardy!)
Add to that I started getting a little scratchy throat last night and it’s still with me this morning. Not really coughing and no fever or anything else. And I’m supposed to have lunch with my friend today then go to give her kids their Christmas presents and I don’t know if I should. It’s probably just a cold (I got my covid shot a couple weeks ago) but I don’t know if it’s too soon to trust a negative covid test result.
I don’t know who’s more excited, the woman or the dog.
That had got to be the greatest video of a marriage proposal ever!
Absolutely fantastic! What a happy dog.
That’s a golden retriever. What did they expect, respectful dignity?!
whenever I see those, my first question is:
who took the video and wasn’t it a tip off?
She looked like she was just getting ready to take a picture (facing the camera, fixing her hair, then reaching for the dog like she was trying to get it to sit). I don’t think the camera is moving so I’m not sure anyone was actually holding it.
Well what else are cats for but to get us to continue our self-improvement? Plus she looks gorgeous doing her job. Win win for everyone. Quiet weekend here just doing the necessary stuff like eye appt for hubby, library visit, runnings errands, etc. Off to do a load of laundry as Thor just decided to pee on his blanket. Right in front me. Guess he’s trying to tell me to change out the pee pad. And now he’s snuggling in my lap. Talk about judgey AND no shame, lol.
Yep that’s my judgmental old lady LOL!! She is still pretty spry for a 17 year old cat and can still jump on the kitchen counter to see what we’re cooking but more and more she appreciates comfy cushions for naps.
We’ve had 2 nights of freezing rain this week but it wasn’t too bad since we only had to go out later in the day and the ice had pretty much melted. I still get very nervous when they say we’re getting freezing rain I guess I still have PTSD from the Ice Storm of 98.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Minnie is taken aback, literally, by Georgiana’s failings.
Minnie, you are a beautiful girl. Georgiana deserves only good reviews from you.
Happy Caturday, all! Minnie is a knockout, especially for such a senior citizen. I know Georgiana lives up to her standards, always.
Trying to decompress after a weird up-and-down week. It will be 59F and sunny tomorrow, so I can take a good walk around the lakes. Got to reconnect with an old friend who lives in town, which was lovely. Sevi’s dental work went off without a hitch, and he’s recovering nicely. But as usual, I was spazzing the whole day while he was at the vet’s. He’s 16 and though his blood work was excellent, I get nervous.
Then we got some unhappy news at work, and that will mean changes. Not horrible changes, but changes nonetheless. I could use your good thoughts this weekend, folks.
You got ‘em! Hold on to your sanity and b r e a t h e👍🏼
Minnie, Storm and Skye are all sending supporting purrs.
Gentle feathered hugs from Duckieville.
I would have trouble keeping my hands to myself with a sleepy kitty like that. So cute!
Wow! Minnie is super-model stunning! What a gorgeous girl.
I’m so late to the party, I hope everyone’s Saturday was nice. I’m still recovering from last weekend, when “no good deed goes unpunished” kicked in. After dropping my little grey kitty off at the PSPCA, (a no-kill shelter by the way), I still had errands to run including medicated food for my boys. But I never made it. As I was driving down by the stadium on a very busy street, my car just said, “Good Night.” And a typical South Philly experience ensued. Philly has a reputation for being a tough city, but in reality, people help each other and can be incredibly kind. Several men helped me push my car around the corner and out of the way, several people stopped to ask if I needed help or a jump, I told them all I had called AAA (which had neglected to put me in line with the dispatchers! – until I called them back). Finally, my new friend Anthony stopped on his bicycle and tried to help. Long story short, he stayed with me for four more hours (in 22F weather – in a car with no heat), shooting the breeze. I found out everything about his life – he’s 64, used to box (which explained the dent in his nose), got married after his girlfriend of three months got pregnant, had three daughters, none of them speak to him now ’cause he was a heroin addict, in recovery now – won’t do that fentanyl shit – that stuff is bad, bad I tell you, his father was born in New Jersey but moved back to Naples and grew up there – he was just a little guy but his mom, now she was real tall, they looked funny together, but yeah, when the priest kicked him out of high school two weeks before graduation it broke her heart. Then he became a roofer, and he’s a good cook! He gave me his ‘gravey’ recipe (which is South Philly for pasta sauce), I also got a recipe for escarole soup. I tried several times to give him a way out so he could go home. No- no I can’t leave now – I gotta make sure you are okay – I couldn’t live with myself.
It was nice to have someone to talk to – it certainly made the time pass much quicker.
The car is still kaput on my street – I just couldn’t face dealing with last week. But I had to rent a car yesterday to take care of important errands and I have one more to take care of before I return it this morning. sigh. Always something.
That IS a rough day! My goodness! I’m glad you had help and your new friend kept you entertained.☺️ Good luck with the car!
What a wonderfully heartwarming story! I think I’ve mentioned that some ancestors of mine emigrated to Philadelphia in the 1890s to work in the textile industrh.
Georgiana, I wish to extend an offer to you. Should you ever wish to rehome your book collection, I’m willing to give them a place…