Introduction to Napping (Tues, Thurs 2PM) — Intended for first-year students. Covers basic napping strategies and starting positions: side flomph, legs akimbo, and couch potato. Instructor: Myron Snoremann.

Introduction to Napping (Tues, Thurs 2PM) — Intended for first-year students. Covers basic napping strategies and starting positions: side flomph, legs akimbo, and couch potato. Instructor: Myron Snoremann.
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OK, how much is tuition and how do I apply?
Exactly Allein! I’m getting my transcripts & recommendations together now. Oooh, wonder if they need an essay too?
I didn’t go to college when I was young is it too late in my 60’s to enrol? Actually I think I could teach that course LOL!!
Weirdly, I don’t get the picture, which I’m sure is darling. I could definitely teach that course!😁
I didn’t get it either
Nor I. Click on the link to reddit, though–it’s totally worth it!
I didn’t, either. I just clicked on the reddit link.
Sorry about the issue with the image. You should be able to see it now.
I didn’t get it either. But I saw it when I clicked over to the comments, before it disappeared.
Left paw over right? Oh, dear, everyone is failing so far.
Oh, I dunno; all the left legs are actually over the right ones. And the little ones don’t have much difference between leg and paw.
You’re right about the back limbs. I was only focusing on the front. Too many anal retentive university instructors.
Hey, I resemble that remark. Or I used to.