From its origins in ancient Egypt, the domestic cat quickly conquered the globe, but how? Historians believe they were brought on ships as pets, but a controversial new theory suggests they may have stowed away by disguising themselves as luggage.

via Andrew Y.
Uncanny resemblance! Mom is that you?? And I think that’s how the UCDS manages to get so many cats into homes, no one would suspect the luggage.
I have a furry blanket…will the UCDS be confused?
In the event of the UCDS failing to deliver a cat in a timely manner, you can pick up a cat for yourself from a local distribution center, AKA a shelter. If the UCDS delivers extra cats, then that was not an error and you plainly needed more cats in your life to lay on the furry blanket.
I always knew that cats are magic. This is just further evidence.
A new way to rebel against our buildingโs no cats policy!
As long as itโs Alive luggage!๐
Fans of cartoonist B. Kliban will get the reference in the caption, but for those unfamiliar:
Thanks for sharing!
I have a couple shirts with his work. ๐
The gray cat bears an uncanny resemblance to my roommate’s land manatee from many years ago. I miss that cat.
That is a LOT of stuffing.
The bag I mean.