(I love my human. He always includes me in everything. Like yesterday, he got one of those packages with lots of stuff for him, and he bought me this cool air mattress!)

(I love my human. He always includes me in everything. Like yesterday, he got one of those packages with lots of stuff for him, and he bought me this cool air mattress!)
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I really need this kitten right now. Having a flare up. Not coping well.
Hugs, Duckie. The kitten is sending purrs too.
Everything is a toy if you just believe it.
Hugs to you, Duckie.
Sorry for your flare up Duckie.
Something about a curled up sleeping cat makes me want to cuddle up and kiss it.
Sorry for your flare up Duckie.
Kitten is going to be so disappointed when he sharpens his claws on it.