Ah, who of a certain age can forget those carefree days of youth, bicycling home as fast as the wind, bursting through the front door and plopping down just in time to watch everyone’s favorite, The Mickey Mouse Chub.

Ah, who of a certain age can forget those carefree days of youth, bicycling home as fast as the wind, bursting through the front door and plopping down just in time to watch everyone’s favorite, The Mickey Mouse Chub.
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OMG his name is Norm.
🎶 Ev-ry-one-knows-his-name: Mike-who-makes-us-squeeeeeeeeeee! 🎶
Look at that squishy face!!!! I just wanna smush it and kiss it and give him pets. And thanks Mike for the earworm, lol.
I actually never watched The Mickey Mouse Club when I was a kid but I’ve seen clips on the internet of the oldest episode with Annette Funicello.
This cutie looks just like a dog in my neighborhood (a female I think). Whenever she sees me, the dog comes running over to say hi to me. I love her so much and haven’t seen her for a few weeks, so obviously I need to walk more.