Lured by free snacks, Maru, Hana and Kitten Miri expose their vulnerable underbellies for our voyeuristic amusement. Is nothing beneath us?
via Andrew Y.
If At First You Don’t Succeed, You’re Maru
When we last left Maru, he had fallen out of a wobbly container and into despair. But nothing deters our hero for long, and now he’s back for another try. And another.
Poor Hana, abandoned on the first floor all alone…
Them all cuddling together but with Miri invisible underneath the blanket is too funny.
When Hana meows for Maru it gets me every time. 🥺
I hope Kitten Miri got her snacks after the snow stopped failing. Poor thing.
Mugumogu with the quick pillow save >:3 <3
One of the comments on YouTube was “like a car’s air bag”! 😂😻
Kitty feets are so cute!