Dog covered in cereal, cat loves to beg, there’s something about orange cats, and otter mom.
Dog Requires 3-Hour Groom Session After Breaking Into Box of Cereal
People, via NTMTOM
Cat Starts “Begging” For A Special Reason. Girl Finds Out Why
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via NTMTOM
There’s Just Something Different About Life with a Ginger Cat
Cole & Marmalade, via NTMTOM
And finally: Otter Moms Are Cool
They make it look so easy, Andrew Y.
Sea otters!! Ded😵
Wonderful links today!😉
I could never have an orange cat, apparently. I would go insane. But there antics are very cute from afar!
Begging cat. I wonder if he just was doing it cos, whatever? And now it’s been reinforced so he keeps it up?
Cereal dog’s before and after😂 Poor pup!
Sea otters being adorable! Also ded.
I love cereal pup so much.
I’ve got two gingers, but they’re nothing like as destructive/crazy as the ones in this link. Whew!
Aw, otter baby is so cute!
Poor Crumpet. She’s adorable in the after, though.
Plusha screaming to be let in. Wow.
“He’s a ten but his brain is made of shrimp”! Now, there’s a description!
Cereal dog gave me a bit of PTSD because it reminded me of the time my cousin and I made a tunnel into a bunch of big burdock plants out in the fields when we were kids.
He had a buzz cut so he was fine but I had waist long hair tied into a pony tail and it got completely covered with burs. My mother refused to cut my hair and spent hours picking them out one by one, it wasn’t a fun experience for either of us.
I remember not being allowed to climb evergreens for the same reason. I feel your pain.
Duckie gave me an early Easter egg!
Yeah for a tiny early Easter egg!
Will you dye it?
Ouch ouch ouch!
Charlie’s air biscuits are so very cute!