Cadbury raccoon, bears steal swan boat, grasshopper gets neck brace, squirrel at work, and more.
Rescue Raccoon Wins Cadbury’s Easter Photo Contest
People, via A9
Bears take a ride on swan boat at Woburn Safari Park
BBC, via Allein
Injured grasshopper gets tiny neck brace at Houston Zoo
Houston Zoo, via Sharon G.
Memes From The Wholesome Cat Community “CatCon Worldwide”
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
And finally: You’re the GOAT, Mom
A9 shares a sweet story to remind us that a mom’s a mom.
Trash Pandas make more sense than bunny to deliver eggs for Easter, they have little hands to carry them bunnies don’t.
Love the cat meme!
Bristol is such a good foster mama!
Cadbury Raccoon works for me.
I saw a kitty on my way to work this morning.
I need one of these desk kitties, please.

I almost chose this to post!!! Want to smooch the tum!😘
I am overwhelmed at today’s wonderful-ness💙
You realize raccoons TAKE things, not give them away?😉
Make sure to look at ALL the posts at Bored Panda!

Again, I want to help baby squirrels! It’s amazing how they can just go back to real-squirrel world.
A dog can be the best surrogate Mom!? No kidding!
Love Louie the cadbury bunny! And Bristol is so good at washing her new baby!
Looking forward to other linkies later.
So raccoons make great bunnies – who knew! I love the veterinary care for the grasshopper and the dog grooming the baby goat, who seems very satisfied.
Read the comments for number four on the cat memes. I have never snorted chocolate chip cookie out my nose, but the bath tub moment did me in.