Open thread time! For today’s Caturday open thread, reader Georgiana Y. shares a photo of Storm in a box that’s a perfect fit — maybe too perfect. “Storm didn’t stay in the box for long,” she notes. “I think she was worried I’d mail her to Abu Dahbi.”

I love cats in boxes💙 I’ve repeatedly told a couple cat moms to get them boxes for their cats and they won’t ☹️. I know that there are cats who don’t use them, but how do you know unless you try?
And Storm, NO one would send you to Abu Dahbi!
ooooo – what a beautiful little void!
How’s Jacques doing? You mentioned a thyroid situation a few weeks ago.
Thanks for asking DebG! I’m actually not sure. He has new medication and his stool is finally solid, but he still has bouts of vomit. Then he’s hungry again. Very strange. All in all – he seems fine – very cuddly and loving, despite digestive issues.
Such a handsome haus panthar. And if you don’t want to shipped to Abu Dahbi, how about my house? I have mahi mahi for dinner!
Contrary to the cats you see on the internet, my cats for some reason do not love boxes. They will be curious and look into them even sometimes step in them but when Strom went into the box an actually laid down in it I ran to get my phone.
We had a freak storm Thursday with high winds that dumped more than 20cm of snow so we had to cancel our plans to go to lunch with my SIL for her birthday.
The temperature is warming up and the snow is slowly melting and should be gone by Monday so we can enjoy the eclipse in comfort if the clear skies hold which they say is likely.
Well that’s it for me this week.
Happy Caturday! Beautiful void, whether she likes boxes or not.
Some info on the type of earthquake we had yesterday.
I clicked on a CNN video about the quake. They were trying sooo hard to make it a super-dramatic story and fill ten minutes of time, I had to laugh. My favorite thing I learned was that the Empire State Building tweeted, I AM FINE.
That said, I also saw some north Jersey local news videos that showed some real damage. In the town closest to the epicenter there were three multi-family houses (in a row, very close together) that had visible roof damage and were deemed not safe to stay in so several people/families (and at least two cats) were looking for places to stay. (Apparently the agency that helps homeless people in the area was helping with that.) There was also a water main break gushing water out of a large gap in a street (I think that was in Newark). So not totally innocuous. 🙁
There were also several aftershocks, apparently. I didn’t feel any but one was 4.0 and my brother felt that. Also my cousin’s dog might have because she reacted to something no one else noticed.
On a lighter note, this is adorable and I never knew about them. So glad we have shows like SciShow and people like Hank Green in this world.
Earthquakes are no fun at all. So glad you’re safe. I hope all our other Cutetropolitans in the area are too.
A friend from grad school had a (now deceased) brother-in-law who was involved in the original Pet Rock products. The BIL actually got burned by the business enterprise.
They’re pretty cute, though!
Black cats are so beautiful, and Storm exceeds their usual quota. Such a lovely girl!
I’m about to run out for errands and then breakfast. Then I have to figure out what to do with my latest weaving, which isn’t as big as intended for the project I had in mind. Next weekend is Yarn Fest and I have to dress to impress.
Hugs to you all!
A beautiful green eyed void in a box.
The entire population of Duckieville is grumpy this morning.
Lesions on my foot causing trouble and baffling the specialist, who has never seen their type before. Injections and possible biopsy this coming week.
Going back to bed. Storm sweetie, you are welcome to join me.
Have a good weekend, everyone.
So hard to take good pictures of voids. that’s a great one.
Indeed it is. And Storm is such a pretty kitty!
Storm looks as black as the cover of Spinal Tap’s latest album – there is none blacker!
I spent a very enjoyable afternoon at my local theatre watching John Godber’s ‘Bouncers’, a classic Northern comedy which may well be unknown outside Britain, in which a cast of four play at least fifteen characters. The action takes place inside and outside a seedy disco in the 80s, complete with songs of the era (I can’t hear ‘Take On Me’ without thinking of that great music video!) and some snazzy dance routines.
In other news, whilst clearing out a kitchen cupboard I came across a tin of rhubarb in syrup that expired in September 2017. I was torn between throwing it out or saving it for future generations, like the First World War era jam that some intrepid soul ate on live TV some years ago. When asked what it tasted like he replied “Well, it’s definitely jam”.
Imagine that its kind of hard to tell when rhubarb’s turned.