Happy Caturday, and welcome to the open thread. Today’s visitors, from reader Sowmya D., are quite catty:
Ekaterina Velikaya (L) and Nikolai Devinovich (R) interrupt their usual Winter Whap Fight to talk smack about the husky across the street. Dexter the Toy Dragon declines to participate in the gossip.

Such glorious floof! How beauteous are Katya and Kolya (if I may call them so).
You have snow!? Where do you live? Or is this an old photo?
Beautiful cats really do look like they are trash-talking😁
They have very lovely, snuggly fur!
Happy Caturday! And happy birthday to my friend Sara.
No real plans for the weekend. My dad ordered my new laptop which was supposed to be delivered yesterday but apparently sat in a delivery hub half an hour from here and now says it’ll come tomorrow. I plan to clear out some old files before transferring everything to the new computer.
Who says penguins can’t fly?
Heart in my mouth, I watched the whole thing. I’m terrified of heights and this will be nightmare fuel, but worth it to see them going “I believe I can fly!!!”
Wow. Just wow.
My guys made it into The Cute!! They are going to be so proud of themselves… Katya is a perfect nickname; Nikolai goes by ‘Muchko’, a contraction of when he looked like a Muppet!
The photo was taken in beginning of April – in Winnipeg, otherwise known as “Winter-peg”.
Thanks for the nickname update. Katya and Muchko!
What gorgeous kitties!
Yesterday we had our first real spring day with 20C/68F temp so we could finally open all the windows after a long winter. The cats were so happy, Storm and Skye ran from one window to the other sniffing the air and Minnie sat in front of the patio screen door enjoying the sunshine.
Good weekend every one!
Dexter made a wise decision, or perhaps he’s secretly on Team Dog. I’m sure those fabulous furballs can dish the dirt without any assistance.
The trees around the Shortcakery seem to have sprung into leaf in the space of a few days, but in spite of some sporadic nice weather it’s been mostly wet and miserable. Greenflies are thriving, though – I can’t remember seeing so many of them. I’m just hoping the weather picks up before my two-night stay in Stratford-upon-Avon for the birthday celebrations (and a couple of plays) next week. Quite a few years ago I actually got sunburned on an unseasonably warm April day whilst taking part in the procession.
In other news, last week I saw an enjoyable touring production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at my local theatre – it’s amazing what a cast of ten can do, although the wedding celebration scene looked slightly odd because the lovers were also playing the mechanicals!
Magnificent floofs! And thank you darlingks for gracing us with your presence. Smart dragon to not get involved in this catty (yes, pun intended) trash talk.
Quiet weekend here, I think. We had some nice spring weather earlier in the week but now it’s back to being cool, cloudy, and rain/high winds are in the forecast. Might head out to a chocolate factory to see if it’s worth all the hype, or a movie, or who knows.
Enjoy the nice weather if you’ve got it, and Happy Weekend everyone.
We should have these two on the front of the Cutetropolis advertising pamphlets.
Sunny but cool here in Duckieville. Family Easter gathering today. I’m not really in the mood for family right now, but I’ll still go.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Such gorgeous floof! And cats talking smack–I can’t believe it!!!
We’re hitting the low 80s Fahrenheit this weekend, but next weekend, they’re forecasting snowy rainy weather. Springtime in Colorado . . .
My Yarn Fest wrap was a huge hit yesterday!
Duckie makes grabby hands (wings?).
That’s stunning, DebG!
A huge hit for a good reason – gorgeous!
Absolutely beautiful!!
Any thoughts on good airfare sites, folks? I’m planning my trip to Niagara on the Lake and I rarely search for flights anymore.
Check Kayak or Expedia to get an idea of what the different airlines charge but then book the tickets directly with the airline. I’ve heard too many stories of things going terribly wrong if there’s any delays/ cancellations and you booked with a third party. Each company points fingers at the other, you end up in the middle and either stuck or having to pay for new tickets (at ridiculous prices) which no one wants to reimburse you for. Good luck and have a fun trip. Oh, one more thing – try not to fly any of the budget airlines like Spirit, Frontier, Alligient or even Southwest. Their customer service and reputation are beyond horrible and they seem to have the most problems with delays, cancellations, etc.
^ This. I don’t travel these days anywhere near as much as I used to, but yes; as tempting as the prices/deals can look on third-party sites, keep in mind that it’s very much a case of where you MIGHT get lucky and everything will go well, but if anything goes wrong (and it often does with air travel) you could be in some serious hurt by the end of the day because no one will want to help you or take responsibility for your experience as a customer. I always do exactly what AJ suggests (shop around a bit to get an idea of what it’s going to cost to get from point A to point B–even Google’s built-in flight search is fine) and then book directly through the airline. Spendier on the surface of it, yes, but it might very well save you both money and headaches in the end if something goes haywire en route.
Thirding the advice above.
DebG, where are you planning to stay while in NOTL? If you are interested in reco’s let me know. 🙂 And I am not sure where you are coming from or are renting a car, but I would look at either landing in Buffalo and driving across the border or land in Toronto YYZ and drive down.
Thanks, everybody, for your great advice.
I’m flying in to Buffalo, probably getting in very late, so I may stay there the first night. Then the reunion organizers are getting us to the hotel in NOTL. They’ve made all the arrangements in NOTL so I don’t know anything else.
Don’t forget to wave to Girl with the Dogs for all of us! (I know NOTL is not the same as Niagara Falls, but it’s close-ish.)
Oh great! All the ‘work’ is done, you just have to show up and enjoy…. 🙂 Have a great time– if you have free time and want to have the best view of Lake Ontario and Toronto across from it go have lunch or a beverage at https://notlgolf.com/clubhouse-and-bar/ It is open to the public and just a fantastic view.
Sunny and windy here in Richmond. Power went out for an hour or so. My Nelly has started trying to bite the hand that feeds her! Husband keeps the cats in kibble, but I give them canned every evening. This is the second day in a row she’s tried to nip me. I have informed her she’s going in the bathroom, without wet food, if she does it again!
Those two show why gossip is called “catty.”
Apparently April 17th is International Bat Appreciation Day, so I brought cake (via Cakewrecks).
I WANT that cake!!