Good morning and welcome to the Caturday open thread. Looks like somebody’s sleeping in late, so maybe keep conversation quiet.

Image by Dominic Alberts from Pixabay
Good morning and welcome to the Caturday open thread. Looks like somebody’s sleeping in late, so maybe keep conversation quiet.
Image by Dominic Alberts from Pixabay
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Happy Caturday! I would love to take a nap with this cutie…morning, afternoon, whenever…
This weekend is the end of our fiscal year so I have to work. Hopefully things go smoothly tomorrow so I can go to my friend’s birthday thing for a bit tomorrow (they have three birthdays within a week in April – her, her brother, and her husband).
I have a surprise book at the library. I put it on hold so long ago I don’t remember what it is. The branch closes at five on Friday and is closed on Sunday so I have to go this afternoon. Not the usual branch I go to because it’s closed for renovations until sometime next month and I didn’t feel like figuring out the side-door pickup option, so I put the book on hold at one of the few other branches I’m willing to drive to.
And I have a headache. 🤕
Good luck with all the things.
Also I love these dogs. They make my heart so happy.
Walkin’ dogs with Fluffy!
Have always loved Fluffy! My sister and I went to see his show (15, 16 yrs ago?) when he came to town and it was amazing! At the end he told us the regular show was done, but he could keep going if we wanted, and of course we screamed yes!
What a precious sleepy kitty! All cats look “come hither” while they are sleeping😁
“Come hither and curl up with me” is the message I get.
This kitty matches my couch. Just sayin’…
What a sweet little angel.
I wish Minnie would sleep like that at night, she kept waking me up last night walking on me and gently bitting my head. At 17 she’s getting more and more confused.
Speaking of age it was Skye’s birthday on Thursday, she turned 2 years old, my baby is not a baby anymore 😭.
We’ve got to do all the weekend chores today because tomorrow we leave early to go to the funeral for my husband’s aunt Jeanne who passed away last week. She had been in a home for the last 15 years or so with advance Alzheimer so had not seen her for a long time but we have fond memories of her from before.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
So sorry for your loss.
And for your lack of sleep–forgetful senior kitties can be heart-breaking. My 17-year-old Sevi has mostly *not* been sleeping with me and the other boys on the bed. He even skips Friday afternoon naps. I want to cuddle him more than ever, at his age. But it might be hard for him to hear me from the couch, or he doesn’t want to move once he’s comfy.
Happy Caturday, everyone!
It’s raining and cold today so I don’t particularly want to run errands. But it’s also the second anniversary of my local yarn shop, and I want to pop in for their festivities. Plus it’s the last weekend for my beloved Peace, Love, and Little Donuts. Once I get home, I can curl up with kitties and maybe put a fire on.
My widest warp ever is almost on the loom! It’s a double weave blanket, woven in two layers that are joined at one side, with 1024 warp ends. Each warp end has to be poked through the reed, then through a heddle. They all have to be tensioned evenly (the step I’m on right now) and then I can finally start weaving. It took me a week just to wind the warp chains, then another 4 days to get all the heddles threaded. Wish me luck!
Hugs to you all.
It sounds very complicated!😳 What colors? Make sure you show us the results when finished.
Is it gift or yours?
It’s a gift–my college apartment mate’s daughter’s wedding present. The warp won’t really be visible, but it’s purple bamboo. The weft will be chenille in purples and greens (recipient’s fave colors), so it will feel like velvet.
Okay – wow! over 1024 warp ends. Goodness. Can’t wait to see the final project. Such a wonderful gift.
This precious sleeper is the exact colour of the day outside. But we need the rain. And this kitten.
Haircut this morning. Cleaning kitchen this afternoon. Tomorrow is dedicated to resting and shepherd’s pie.
Hubby is away for three days next week, so I’m going to do some heavy duty junk removal and reorganizing of what’s left.
My second oldest nephew has finally been offered a job in the province he wants to move to and get married in, so he is starting to pack. Their offer on a house has been accepted, so he will move in there, and she will join him after the wedding. My oldest niece and her husband will be following them, and this will force my BIL to make a decision about where he wants to live. My sister will be staying here. Frankly, I don’t give a 🐀’s 🫏 about where my BIL and some of my nieces and nephews live, I just want it decided.
Off to wreak havoc on the world. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Have fun storming the castle!
😂 I love that movie.
Hi All!
This little kitties picture should be under bliss in the dictionary. So sweet.
I’m camped out in bed with kitties and lots of tissues. It’s full blown allergy season.
Some good news for me, I haven’t written about this much because it has been awful. Just under two years ago a developer tore down the other half of my house (I own half of a twin) and caused major damage. He never consulted me about anything and at one point put my house in danger of falling down while he was digging his basement. I’ve had to spend so much money on lawyers and structural engineers to get the situation rectified it makes me sick to think about it. Long story short, we finally have an access agreement for him to be able to finish his project and for him to fix my house. Well, he’s not fixing it – his new construction company is dealing with the outside, and I can hire who I want to do the inside. And his construction company is bending over backwards to keep me happy. I’m not sure what happened – maybe it was because when we all met (developer, his architects, his new construction company, his attorney, me, my attorney, and my structural engineer), I shook everyone’s hand, but when he came over to shake mine, I gave him the stink-eye, shook my head no, and put my hands in my pockets. It made things a little uncomfortable, but I was not about give him the impression things were okay. He’s put me through hell these last two years. Anyway – the project has started and the construction company is bending over backwards to be nice to me. I’m kind of in shock. The brick wall in my back yard they “forgot” to take down, they demolished and hauled out through their building, not my garden. Their idea. To protect my garden, they have built an elevated platform over it. They nail down plywood when they need to put ladders and whatnot out there, and then when they won’t need the platform, they take the plywood up so that my garden still has sun and rain. So much extra work! But I’m not questioning it. And the guys doing the actual work, are genuinely friendly, they say good morning when I leave the house, they’ve put my garbage cans in, and have swept up in places they didn’t need to. There is light at the end of this tunnel, everything is supposed to finished by the end of May. If it’s done by June I will be very happy. I’m sorry – this got very long. If you are still here – thank you for reading. I also wanted to share a knitting project I just finished. As a thank you for my fabulous attorney, I knitted Wasabi the Whale for his two-year-old son. Here’s the link to the ravelry project:
What a nightmare! At least you’re now seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve decided to go ahead with a (very basic) loft conversion, so after my next holiday in mid-May I’ll be getting a few quotes from local builders. It will only be a small room but I’m hoping to fit a roof window that opens out to become a kind of miniature balcony, giving me a view over the rooftops to York Minster.
I thoroughly enjoyed “Love’s Labour’s Lost” at Stratford last Saturday night. The production took some liberties with the play, updating the action and making Navarre a billionaire’s private island of which the Princess was the rightful queen. Instead of dressing as Russians the four men wore full suits of armour, and a real golf cart was driven on the stage and came alarmingly close to the edge at times…
Your loft and balcony sound fantastic. I love York Minster so much–need to rewatch Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell for that fabulous scene inside it.
I have fond memories of seeing Henry V at the Globe, the summer it opened, and the French soldiers elbowing their way through the groundlings to make their entrance.
Your whale is adorable! And I finally friended you on Ravelry! I love all your stuffies.
So so sorry about this nightmare. And I’m glad things are getting much better.
I am appalled by your story!😱 Nightmare is right! I also own half of a duplex and I cannot imagine this happening. Don’t blame you for not shaking the guy’s hand. Am glad the construction company is being so nice—you deserve it. Sheesh!
I also love your whale—done in chenille the child will love hugging it. I agree about the eyes, and ones you did give it look great!😊
I am sorry to hear about this long nightmare, and very, very happy for you that it is finally coming right. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.
Tara, what a heart-breaking two years… I am hoping for the best with this good turn of events. That developer is an asshole and may he get his comeuppance on his time, not on yours and out of your orbit. I am glad to read there are decent acting construction company people, may they continue to do so. Here’s to healing after the repairs have been done.
Thank you for your supportive comments! You all have been a lifeline these past two years. ❤️