It’s another glorious Caturday, and lounging around in all his glory is Julius, whose human Susan H. says he’s getting comfortable in his new home:
I was worried that it would take a while for him to settle in and get used to us, but apparently I didn’t need to be concerned. This was taken a few days after we got him.

Well! Good Morning Julius! Aw – he looks so blissed out. Looks like he’s adjusted just fine.
Lots of errands to run this morning – then knitting projects and tomorrow is gardening. I’ve picked a cup of strawberries and two cups of raspberries so far. I love June.
Happy weekend all!
I envy you the berries!
Seems Julius is getting a tad too comfortable.
Put some pants on, Julius. You’re on the internet, for heaven’s sake.
LOL! He doesn’t have enough of a tail for it to function as a privacy tail!
He’s adorable and so glad he has melded with you! He looks blissed out😊
Does Julius have a really short tail, or is it bunched up in some way?
I think it’s just dangling down between Susan’s legs.
I thought he had a short tail from his debut appearance. But I might be misremembering.
He’s a bobtail- born that way. Apparently all the other kittens from his parents that were bobtails were females.
Oh that’s a nice belly, does Julius like belly rubs? My two young ones Skye and Storm love belly rubs but Minnie the 17 year old doesn’t.
We’ve been having very nice weather this week, not to hot and not to cold. Husband has made a full recovery but he still has to see a specialist next week and is on a list for removal of kidney stones. Ah the joy of getting older … not! LOL!!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
He does! He’ll come up to me, flop down and roll over onto his back for belly rubs. Like most kitties, though, there’s a time limit before belly rub turns into chomps and bunny kicks, lol!
Wow, now that’s comfortable. And oh so handsome but methinks he might need a privacy tail, lol.
Not much on the agenda for the weekend, already did some cleaning and a load of laundry. Next up some errands, dropping off stuff at the local thrift store. And the real fun part, me and hubby building 4 display cabinets from Ikea. Wish us luck, and hopefully I don’t end up in jail or divorce court.
Happy weekend and enjoy the first weekend of June.
Such a handsome, happy cat. Soccersue, you sure know how to pick ’em! I love that sweet smile.
Hot weather starts this week, which does not thrill me. But so does the local farmer’s market! I’ll shop there tomorrow; today is chores and yarn-related stuff. I’m hoping the garlic tops will be in season. Imagine greens like long noodles that taste garlicky–discovered them last year and couldn’t wait for them to come back again.
June will be a busy month for me. It will be fun, but so out of the norm, I’ll be glad when things settle down again in July.
Hugs to you all.
Well, hello, Julius!
Little late this morning. Slept too long and woke up with a headache. It has moved away from my eyes, at least, so I can function a little bit now.
The Dogs Were a Little Angry This Week
Oh, and I saw yesterday that the guy who does the “God creates dogs” videos has merch…the sayings for the different breeds are funny. (The Chihuahua says, “Wanna light something on fire?”; the Corgi is looking back over its shoulder and says – “Watch me walk away.” He’s got several other breeds including Rescue, “I’m just happy to be here.” 😊)
gaah these are brilliant
I love the internet so much for stuff like this.
Julius couldn’t look more settled in if he’d been born in Susan H’s house!
It’s been a quiet week at the Shortcakery, and also a cold, wet, and miserable week. Yesterday I had to turn the central heating back on for most of the day, which is ridiculous on the last day of May! On the positive side, I’ve found a company to do the loft conversion and they’re starting the job on July 1st. It will take four to five days, which isn’t too disruptive, and although it will cost a bit more than I expected I’ve spent considerably less on the other home improvements than I planned for, so it evens out in the end.
I’ve been saving this one for a couple weeks. (I sent it to Mike but hung onto it for an open thread if he didn’t use it; was going to do it last week but I had inadvertently started a whole dog theme in my comments so I decided to wait. 🐶)
This is not an animal channel so we probably haven’t seen it on Cuteropolis before (though it is a channel I highly recommend), but this is an animal video and it’s pretty funny. With lots of cats!
This Is Not a Five Star Cat
(This was the original title; I just noticed that he changed it since it was first posted.)
Make sure to read the credits and watch past them to the end.
Usually the last part of the credits says “Please note that Evan is often kind of an idiot. DON”T EVER TAKE HIS WORD FOR IT. Always research what you see on youtube. Don’t let anyone think for you; most people can barely think for themselves.”
(Fun fact: Evan is the son of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. If you scroll down far enough on the videos page you’ll find some of Chris’s stuff, including music from the ISS, because the channel was originally his.)
Hilarious and wonderful. I want to leave a review for the cats too.
I liked the cat chorus with the credits
Is there a cat equivalent site to WeRateDogs? Because there should be.
There is an instagram page called We Rate Cats but it seems to be defunct. The most recent post was from February 2023.
Thanks for that it looks awesome.
I presume the WeRateDogs account or Instagram itself may have intervened there for copyright reasons.
They’ve gotten really draconian to crack down on “fake” Instagram accounts. I tried to sign up for one on the browser in incognito mode because I didn’t want any cookies from them on my computer.
When I tried to log in again later (without even posting any content) they suspended the account and demanded I send them a photo of myself and my cell phone number for “verification” purposes if I wanted it unblocked. No thanks, Instagram. I like my anonymity, thank you.
Cool, rainy weekend in Duckieville. Little Duckie is basking under a microwave bag I have on her cage.
Julius, you made my grey day quite cheerful. Thank you.
Not much actually happening here right now, but I am getting things set up for next month. Planning on doing a lot of crafting things, including some winter wear. Concentrating on finishing my Doctor Who DVD collection right now. Amazon keeps rubbing their hands together every time I go on-site.
Off to concoct a huge shepherds pie.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Julius says thank you for the love, everyone! He was neutered yesterday, so future photos won’t show him in *all* of his glory, haha!