Links: I… I Got Nothing

Brave dog protects owner, tripod kitten gets help, deaf cat finds a home, and a squeaky baby otter.

And finally: Mr. Squeaky

Andrew Y. shares a baby otter with opinions.

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16 thoughts on “Links: I… I Got Nothing

  1. Not That Mike The Other Mike July 11, 2024 / 8:15 am

    So many headline ideas for the lead story that my head exploded. Feel free to pick your favorite:

    A: Rudest Nudist Neutered
    B: No Shirt, No Pants, No Survivors
    C: You Really Don’t Wanna Know Where He Got Bitten

    • allein 🐾 July 11, 2024 / 9:14 am

      I vote A.

      Kane is the goodest boy. Too bad they had to hit him with the stun gun, too, but glad he’s okay.

      • Blue Footed Booby July 11, 2024 / 9:29 am

        As someone who’s had to pry a pitbull off something he wasn’t supposed to have, I get it. But yeah.

        It sounds like someone did a little too much meth. Could also be a mental health episode, or both. But I’m betting meth.

      • 6rabbits July 11, 2024 / 9:36 am

        Hope that naked dude is locked up for a loooong time! Yay Kane!👏🏼

      • Kar July 11, 2024 / 10:18 am

        I’m not impressed that Kane has to wear a muzzle but maybe its hospital policy?

        Although I’d be careful with the green jello with that protective pup’s track record.

    • AJ July 11, 2024 / 12:45 pm

      They’re all great! Just for the alliteration, I’d vote for A. And yes, the world is definitely getting weirder.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd July 11, 2024 / 8:48 am

    So happy for Polyester!

    I pick C but I do want to know where he was bitten.

  3. N. Fritz July 11, 2024 / 9:01 am

    That otter needs a Kenny Loggins soundtrack!

  4. Georgiana July 11, 2024 / 9:08 am

    B: No Shirt, No Pants, No Survivors 🤣 🤣 🤣 But seriously what is wrong with people these days, it’s like the whole world has gone crazy since Covid.

  5. 6rabbits July 11, 2024 / 9:40 am

    I vote for C!
    You really need to watch the otter vid and read the comments! So many people want to know how to get that job.
    I didn’t realize otters had *that* thick of fur!😳

    • Kar July 11, 2024 / 10:21 am

      Gund could make a mint if they could replicate that cutie (including meeps) as a stuffie.

  6. 6rabbits July 11, 2024 / 9:50 am

    “Polly Ester” is the cat’s name😂😂😂😂 What amazing polydactyl paws she has!
    Little kitten with missing limb is adorbs! Such a feisty one!

    All great links today!!😁

  7. debg July 11, 2024 / 10:04 am

    I can haz baby otter? That little fluffball just stole my heart.

    Tripod kitty and his protector are lovely.

    I hope Kane gets to eat steak for the rest of his life.

    Will enjoy meeting the scary shelter cat later!

  8. Duckie 🐥 July 11, 2024 / 11:38 am

    Send baby otter to Girl With the Dogs. I WANT to see that episode.

  9. Luv Bunny July 11, 2024 / 12:22 pm

    I vote A & C combo on Mike’s headline choices. Hero doggo. Awww that baby otter’s squeaks melted my heart. Maybe combing the fur tickled its belly.

  10. DEBG July 11, 2024 / 2:53 pm

    Just met Polly Esther and may need some time to recover. What a beautiful kitty! She really was healed by love.

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