“Oh no, I can’t watch this part! This is the scene where the last surviving camper goes into the scary old house, then she slowly walks up the stairs, step by creaking step, until she reaches the top where she finds — an empty supper dish!“

“Oh no, I can’t watch this part! This is the scene where the last surviving camper goes into the scary old house, then she slowly walks up the stairs, step by creaking step, until she reaches the top where she finds — an empty supper dish!“
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Oh, nose!!!!! 😱
And what a nose it is!
I understand puppy, for me it’s the ankle breaking scene in Misery, I just can’t watch it.
Egads! Not an empty supper dish!!! (Promptly faints dead away from the shock and horror) This is why I don’t watch scary movies anymore, I’m usually acting like doggo and watching from behind my hands.