Explorers returning from the remote uncharted forests of Wazooloo report encounters with a strange animal called the Whisker-tufted Two-faced Gleech, an animal with a pair of independent mouths, each one contradicting the other.

Explorers returning from the remote uncharted forests of Wazooloo report encounters with a strange animal called the Whisker-tufted Two-faced Gleech, an animal with a pair of independent mouths, each one contradicting the other.
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“the remote uncharted forests of ”
Of where?!
Latin name inversum inanis.
(That’s what Google Translate gave me for “upside-down void.” Literally, “the reverse of empty,” apparently.)
Oops, I forgot to write a funny fictional country name! Will remedy that shortly.
Edit: OK, done. Thanks for pointing that out.
I had to know what the name you came up with was!
Kitty is very cute, wherever it lives.
Am I missing something, like those magic paintings back in the 90s? Where everybody else could see the hidden object except me? (stupid no-depth-perception eyes)
You’re not the only one.
I could never see anything in those magic paintings either, but had no problems with other illusions, like old woman/young woman or wine glass/two faces.
I think we’ve seen a different angle for a black cat and it was a crow/cat picture: in that one the head was up but we only saw one eye and one ear, so the ear was a “beak”.
Talk about seeing things from a different perspective (pun intended!)