Maru’s Trapeze Act

Eager to hear the roar of the adoring crowd, Maru persuades Hana and Kitten Miri to form The Flying Marendus, the first all-feline trapeze act. Looks like it needs work.

Maru Sleeps Around

After a beautiful visit to the backyard, Maru curls up in the blue tub.

via Andrew Y.

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3 thoughts on “Maru’s Trapeze Act

  1. Andrew July 27, 2024 / 12:47 pm

    That tub is perfect for Maru >:3

  2. allein 🐾 July 27, 2024 / 1:18 pm

    I’d still watch that circus any day.

  3. Dana July 27, 2024 / 3:13 pm

    Cats are liquid. Then, there is Maru. 😻

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