Caturday is perfect for relaxing in your favorite armchair, the one you’ve “customized” to your personal tastes. Just take it from Swee’Pea, posing proudly with his handiwork in this photo from reader Tara O.

Caturday is perfect for relaxing in your favorite armchair, the one you’ve “customized” to your personal tastes. Just take it from Swee’Pea, posing proudly with his handiwork in this photo from reader Tara O.
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I take it Swee’Pea is *opposed* to cat scratchers?😵💫 THAT is a very determined cat!😂
Shabby Chic is in again?
The dogs were good again (I think we’ve seen one or two of them already). A lovely musical interlude from #8. Also #2’s last trick is the best.
Leaving soon for my uncle’s funeral. 😔 Hope everyone has a better Caturday (but at least it’s not raining; the forecast for this morning earlier in the week was fairly dismal but the remains of storm Debby apparently decided to go a different way).
Sorry about your uncle, Allein–if you mentioned him earlier this week, I missed it.
Thank you 💕 I did mention it on Tuesday or Wednesday (he died Tuesday afternoon) but I think it was on one of the later threads. I didn’t expect too many people would see it.
My condolences, I’m sorry for your loss.
I hope that you find peace with those who loved him too.
Swee’Pea’s scratching post is just conveniently located. Perfectly sensible.
I just hope Sweet Pee’s only “customized” this one chair and left other furniture alone.
We got hit by the remnant of hurricane Debby last night, torrential rains caused flooding in Montreal and strong winds caused damage all over the place.
We were lucky and didn’t have flooding in the basement but we lost electricity from 9 pm to 11 pm and so did the local water treatment plant so we didn’t have running water.
We got a water boiling alert this morning at 2 am (not a good way to wake up!) so we have to boil the water for 1 minute before drinking until further notice.
The water is OK to wash with so I’ll be doing laundry today and as a bonus it’s nice and sunny so I can hang it out to dry.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Sorry about the hurricane, and I’m glad you’re safe, without flooding in your basement.
If chair “design” was an Olympic sport, I’d give it a 9. Good effort but Swee’Pea might have to settle for silver.
So sorry to hear about your uncle Allein, may your memories bring you comfort. If anyone wants to send some of Debby’s water my way, I’d appreciate it. Had a miserly drizzle last week and we’re still dry dry dry.
I know it’s Caturday but my Poem of the day was dog themed and it was too good to not share. I think it captures a dog’s view of life perfectly
Talking about dogs, Thor is still under the weather. I thought he was getting better but then he’s gone backwards. He’s hacking and coughing just as bad if not worse. I think it started when I transitioned him from 2 doses of steriod a day to one. I’m trying splitting his dose in half and see if that works. Getting woken up at 2 am by a dog wheezing is not fun. For me or him. I’m setting up a follow up with his usual vet next week so fingers crossed they can figure things out.
And like I thought would happen, HVAC tech was pointing fingers saying it was a plumbing problem, and now plumber is pointing back saying nope, it’s all on them. So, need to get HVAC back out again but I’m asking for a different tech, either a senior one or a supervisor to hopefully figure it out. Then I’ll be able to get the repair guys in. It’s going to be a long month, heavy sigh.
Try and have a good weekend everyone.
So sorry! Thor’s situation and the whole house thing must be getting you down. We’re sending healing purrs.
I can’t send purrs, but I can send bunny kisses which are better!
I knew those teams were gonna blame it on the other! How about Working Together to get it fixed, huh?
I’m so sorry Thor is doing poorly again☹️. How old is he?
“any thrillingly dead thing” from the poem. True dog😁
So sorry about Thor’s not being better and trades people blaming each other instead of fixing the problem.
I’m terribly sorry to hear Thor is struggling. I hope it eases soon.
As for the rest, I’d like come over there and give those clowns a good kicking for you. It might not solve the problem, but it would be satisfying!
I kind of want to throw them both into a cage match and the loser has to fix it,
Swee’Pea is a master! (Not to mention very very handsome.) I’ve had similar upholstery designers in my home. Now all my seating has wood arms, or no arms, for this very reason.
I’m about to head out for errands, then I can hopefully finish organizing and decorating my studio. A dear friend from college will visit on Thursday, and she hasn’t seen the condo except for video tours, so it needs to look its best. Also I need to get the loom warped–it’s been empty for over a week!
That Olympic swimmer makes me sob. It’s good to love our fur babies.
Hugs to you all.
That Olympic swimmer was awesome! Imagine winning gold for your best friend😁
There is a great deal of P.O.’dness in Duckieville. We are having our annual airshow this weekend (which I outgrew over thirty years ago), and some of the air displays being put on are frightening the birds. Five budgies screaming in terror is hard to cope with. Good thing the airshow has a schedule listed online, and I can move Duckie’s cage to the hall and cover it with quilts and lie down beside her before those particular demos start.
Allein, we’re sending you all the supportive thoughts we can muster.
Thank you, Duckie and Little Duckie. ♥️
That sounds like a dreadful day. Hope everybody gets through it all right.
I remember you writing about this last year. Best wishes to little Duckie💙
Hi Everyone!
Sorry to be so late to the game. I spent today with two friends canning 50lbs of tomatoes. I’m exhausted. It’s always fun, we talk and eat amazing food, and walk away with an amazing amount of canned tomatoes. But now I’m physically and mentally wiped out.
My little Swee’Pea – what a silly, tiny-brained, guy. He tries so hard to be good.
Allein, my thoughts are with you. I also missed that your uncle had passed this week. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Duckie and Duckie-ville thinking of you as well – this too shall pass.
Everyone else I have read all the comments and have sent you mental thoughts in response (around 4:40pm EST). I hope you had a positive tingle.
Have a great rest of your weekend!
Been a long day. After the funeral we went to a restaurant (where my cousin’s family knows the owner pretty well; he found space for us even though they were booked for another party) for lunch and then we hung out at my parents’ for a while (we met there in the morning and took one car). After my brother left I sort of half fell asleep on the couch for a bit; I don’t even know how long. I could hear the TV still but I couldn’t keep my eyes open; I’m not entirely sure if I actually slept or not. I was just thinking about leaving when my mom asked if I wanted pizza (leftovers from last night that we picked up from a place near the funeral home after the viewing), then we played a game of cards and I just got home (to find someone parked in my spot 😒; I wasn’t in the mood for confronting people so I just parked in a blank spot and moved my car after they left a few minutes later) about 9pm.
My cousin’s daughter has three bunnies. One of them is a “recent amputee; we won’t talk about that” (that was her dad’s comment) so I don’t know the story but she couldn’t leave him home with the others (a friend is bunnysitting) so she brought him with her from North Carolina. Unfortunately I didn’t get to meet him.
Apparently my other cousin’s granddaughter (she’s two-and-a-half) was afraid of him so she was calling him bad bunny, which was very adorable. She was also afraid of the bugle noise when they played Taps (even though they were playing it outside the building) so she covered her ears and kept saying “I’m afraid” until the music stopped, and kept them covered for the rest of the mini-service at the mausoleum, I guess just in case there was more noise to come. She’s so cute, with Shirley Temple curls. I’m 99% sure the two airmen from the Honor Guard were the same as at my other uncle’s funeral in 2020 but I didn’t ask (I remember thinking they looked so young but they don’t look any older four years later). They played Taps and did the gun salute (both outside; could barely hear the shot) and did the flag folding before the minister spoke.
Now I’m rambling…think I’ll get ready for bed.
We’re sending hugs and healing purrs. It’s an emotional experience, and we hope you’re taking care of yourself through it all.
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and condolences.