It’s the weekend! Time to get all your cats in a row, like the furry family sent by reader Georgiana Y.:
In front is Skye the 2 years old baby, behind her is Minnie the 17 years old grand dame of the house and at the back is Storm 3 years old also known as BB or Black Beauty. And if you’re thinking wow that bed is really full of fur, it’s because it is their bed, nobody else uses it and that’s the way they like it.
p.s. We do wash all the covers once a month even if they don’t like it and are mad about it for a day LOL!!

Bonus Doggo!
Tigger J. brings us this cuddly pup:
I am delighted to submit the attached photo of my favourite pupper – a 10 year old Berner named Frank snuggling his stuffie at naptime.

Seriously, cats deserve their own bed, if you have the room! Weird how they are all facing away from the camera (“we don’t want to be in pictures, ma!”)🐱And the dog looks so comfy! Especially with the head on the pillow🐶
Aw, Frank and his stuffie are too sweet! Of course kitties should have their own bed.
Not much going on this weekend. I had the day off yesterday; had a doctor appointment at 10, then went and wandered around the mall to kill a couple hours (and unsuccessfully look for a new mug for work since I broke mine last week) before going to see Inside Out 2. There were probably fewer than a dozen other people there (I got there late because I misremembered the time, so I happily missed all the ads and previews but it was dark when I got in; just as I found my row the screen went dark and it was pitch black so I had to use my phone flashlight to find my actual seat…not that it really mattered; I’m sure I could have sat anywhere else and no one would have noticed) and I am the only one who stayed to catch the bonus scene at the very end of the credits (which also included a section for “production babies” (first names only) which was cute). Then I went to the grocery store and then to my parents’ for dinner, and my mom and I took a walk around the block and back. I checked my pedometer app before bed and I had 11,869 steps (4.9 miles)!
This morning I woke up with a mildly scratchy throat and slight congestion; I hope it’s just allergies and not something I have to worry I shared with anyone else…😕
Next week I work a day and a half (half day Tuesday for another appointment in the afternoon) and then I’m off the rest of the week. Using my vacation days.
The dogs were good again..
I love this—the tipping chihuahua was hysterical, and the pup going down the stairs was darn cute! Wonder if he had a problem because of the change in texture, fluffy-no-slip to hard-yes-you-can-slip? I know my bun is cautious going from one to the other.
Oh, so sweet to see your three girls all together. That’s lovely. I like that Minnie is the Grand Dame! She deserves the title. And Frank, welcome to cutetropolis. You sure are adorable.
The doggies were so good this week I had to grab some hankies and watch it twice.
Raining in Philly right now. It feels so nice. Butchie and I are lazing in bed. I’m meeting with an artist acquaintance this afternoon to talk about making some boxes for her new book. I love making boxes and I love her work, so I’m excited to work with her.
Stitch & Bitch tomorrow, though I only have a half way finished sock with a complicated cable that is not good for stitching and bitching. It requires too much concentration. Maybe I should start my dad’s Christmas socks. Going to have to dig into the stash and see what I have.
Have a great weekend all!
I routinely prep a mindless knitting or fiber project for social events–it might take forever to get finished, but at least I won’t ruin something more complicated! Plain socks are a great choice.
Hello everyone, sorry to say Minnie is not doing so good that’s why I haven’t been commenting a lot this week.
We took her the vet to do her regular blood test on Monday for her thyroid and the vet suggested we also do a full blood test and the results were not great. There seems to be something wrong with her liver, they could do an ultrasound (starting at $1000) to pinpoint exactly what the problem is, but that wouldn’t solve the problem and since she’ll be 18 in 2 months the vet didn’t push for it.
We’ve been suggested the usual change of diet but that will not work with her, we’ve tried before and she will eat the vet food once and then refuse to eat it. The vet sent over some pills to stimulate her appetite and boy did it worked, she ate like she hasn’t for a long time! But it has the side effect of making cats vocalize. Minnie never meows but yesterday and last night she wouldn’t stopped, she kept me awake half the night.
That it for me have have a good weekend and hugs your fur babies.
Lovely to see all your kit-kats. Sending good vibrations Minnie’s way.
Tigger, your doggo is so sweet!
I’m so sorry. When they’re old and things start to go seriously wrong – I remember I so much wanted, with each one, for us to put aside the meowing so we could discuss the health issues and our options.
Georgiana, your girls are beautiful. I’m sorry to hear Minnie isn’t doing well–it’s always hard to know what to do with a senior kitty. We’re sending her lots of healing purrs and cuddles.
Also that pup looks sooooooo comfy!
My crazy summer is now officially in wind-down mode, for which I’m grateful. Trip to Niagara Falls with family, three dear friends coming here for visits, a big fiber fest, and the company summer picnic are now DONE. It’s been an amazing summer, seeing many of my dearest people. And it’s been busy busy busy.
This weekend, I’m catching up on things. I just volunteered with the local political party, renewed or started some yarn-related subscriptions, and added new books to my Ravelry library. I get to warp the loom for a long-delayed set of napkins to match my kitchen. I’m also planning a new strap for my favorite handmade tote–the old one is coming apart. And I want to do some dyeing over Labor Day weekend, and that will require a little planning. So it will be a restful few days with the kitties, who are also recovering from all the disruptions to our normal routines!
Hugs to you all.
Happy Saturday to everyone!
Georgiana, you have such beautiful cats.
All is quiet in Duckieville right now, but Queen Duckie is feeling cautiously optimistic. The worst of the heat is over; the airshow is over and planes have gone home; hubby has returned to work; the irresponsible stupid people at work seem to be setting themselves up for dismissal; I am trying to distance myself from the irresponsible stupid people in family (which is easing my anxiety levels somewhat); my favourite time of the year is practically here; I see a minor decrease in financial stress; most of my Christmas presents are dealt with; and Little Duckie has learned that the leather string holding one of her toys up has said unkind things about me, and she is determined to kill it into submission.
Thunder storms tonight, so I need to put things away on the deck. Looking forward to the rain.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Cats with their very own human-sized bed? I should jolly well think so!
As promised, here is photographic evidence that my new loft conversion isn’t a figment of my imagination. (I’m assuming that the photos will actually show up.) The photos themselves aren’t of the highest quality, but bear in mind the room is small and tent-shaped so I can only stand upright near the centre. Also, one false move could end in a potentially fatal plummet through the hatch to the bedroom below.
The view from the window, showing the Central Tower of York Minster trying to hide behind a chimney. I recently noticed that the house next door but one also has a roof window, so they probably have a view of the other two towers on the West Front.
The room from the left.
The room from the right.
Cutehance! I made these cat dolls during quarantine.
I had a pleasant surprise last week when I looked out of the back bedroom window and saw two men demolishing an eyesore that has irritated me ever since I moved here in 2016. A six-foot tall wooden fence/gate has been rotting away for years, if not decades, and I’d resigned myself to it ruining the view until it disintegrated of its own accord.
In other news, I recently returned from a very enjoyable short stay in Stratford-upon-Avon, where I was based in an old pub of the weirdly shaped rooms/uneven stairs/low ceilings variety. My room featured a massive door, long ago painted over as part of a wall, that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a cathedral!
It looks lovely Alice! I like that the skylight opens, and also is surrounded by ivy☺️ I also love that lamp!😍
Well, I messed that up. Mike, can you please help me out?
Mike posted your pics in this thread (towards the bottom):
Many thanks, Allein!
Alice, your space is simply lovely. I especially like the cats you made.