Happy Caturday! Today we have a pair of clothing claimers from reader Tara O.
Jacques is all black (left) and Butch is the tuxedo (right). Picture 1: this is what I found on my bed after my shower. My clothes were no longer mine. Picture 2: After some head scritches and compliments I was able to extract my clothes for the day.

Jacques is a beautiful house panther and Butch looks very dignified in his tux.
I almost didn’t sleep at all last night right now I waiting for 9h so I can give Minnie her medicine and then I’m going back to bed.
Thanks Georgiana, I hope you get some good, restful sleep.
Not starting Caturday out well.
But there’s this…
Love this!
I need to have this played at my funeral.
๐น๐น๐น๐ป I think I like this better than the original!!
And doggies…
There was a good news feature about We Rate Dogs on NBC (?) last week. He started doing this in 2015, and he still looks like he’s in high school!
Wow! I think dogs send him a magic anti-aging potion or something. Maybe all the love keeps him young too.
I know, he looks so young!
Went a-googling…
Oh my gosh, this has all the feels! Thanks for sharing you stellar google skills with us
Guessing that puppyโs medicine had a rather horrible taste๐
We don’t deserve dogs. They’re so amazing.
Hope your Caturday gets better.
Thanks. Migraine. Just got up from a nap. Pain not 100% gone but maybe I can eat something…
Good Morning! Oh my two silly boys. They were getting along so well that morning. Not today. Butch keeps nipping at Jacques’ back legs and the whappity-bappity ensues.
Pleasant day today, errands to run this morning and then we’ll see. The to-do list is long.
Happy day to everyone! โค๏ธ
Butch really does not look happy in that second photo๐
He always looks like that ๐. But he’s actually the sweetest, biggest love bug.
Good morning, Jacques and Butch. You are where Iโd rather be.
It is 13C outside and pouring rain. Every body part Iโve got hurts, and a couple things I ainโt got hurt anyway, but I LOVE the weather. I actually wore my footy jammies to bed last night.
Starting fall/Christmas sewing next week. Getting fabric today for projects.
Might even start drinking tea again, now that itโs cooler.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Tara, you’ve got great taste in clothes as well as great taste in kitties. They’re just adorable.
I did errands YESTERDAY so I can stay home today. It’s the usual yarn-fiber-crafty weekend stuff for me. Plus I’m trying to figure out my closet: Lavender now lives there, and she needs a litter box in there (or she’ll poop on the floor), so it’s time for a big reorg. I will probably get out some graph paper so I can do it right this time! For nerds like me, this counts as a fun day.
Hugs to you all.
If you really want to have some fun, feel free to come visit me in New Jersey…๐
Such gorgeous kitties!
Did I ever mention this? I finally gave in and bought a “tell your dog i said hi” cap a while back. I’d been thinking about it for about two years, so I guess it’s not an impulse purchase.
I’ve been contemplating the license plate frame for a while…
I wish they had a mug option…
Iโd get the mug!
I bought a sweatshirt for myself and a tee for my nephew a while back. Soon it will be sweatshirt weather again!
My Caturday got off to a good start when I hauled two large bags of unwanted clothes and books to the nearest charity shop, only to be greeted by a sign informing me that they were not accepting donations at present…
In other news, I’ve made an appointment to have the Shortcakery valued. It will be interesting to see how much difference the new loft room has made. And I forgot to mention that I’ve made enough space in the gardening stuff/toolshed (aka the Edwardian loo/fuel store) to use it as a little studio when I take up painting again, hopefully within the next few months.
Oh dear. I’m about to donate some stuff unless my friend wants it when she visits tomorrow (she doesn’t know her danger mwahahaha). Hope I don’t run into the same problem.
Good luck with the valuation! I think it’s a great idea. And so is taking up painting!
Late to the party but love hearing everyone’s news. Send some of that cool weather and rain south Duckie. I could use it in SoCal. Spent the morning helping out our Lego club at the annual Brick Fest convention. Lots of people wandering around and checking out all the stuff people built. One lady and her husband have so many sets (and very detailed sets!) that they need a trailer to bring it all. She has a Civil War battlefield, a summer camp setup, and various animal displays. I’m just in awe of her creativity. And one of our club members did a whole Hogwarts design, including the castle with underground chambers and the lake plus the Quidditch field. Amazing!
Still in a holding pattern with the ceiling. I got a text saying someone would be in touch to set up an appointment to fix the a/c but didn’t tell me the company name, like they usually do, and of course no one called. So Monday, I have to talk with the warranty company to find out who’s supposed to fix it and call myself.
Then there’s Thor. Poor dude is sounding more and more like a goose with his honking and hacking. Saw his regular vet yesterday and I’m glad I told them everything that’s going on with him, including the shadow the other vet’s office saw on xrays. They did more xrays plus an ultrasound and there is definitely something there. It’s possible that it’s some sort of lesion on the sac around the heart but they won’t know for sure until a radiologist reads it. ๐ Fingers crossed it’s something that can be fixed. I’m just keeping him comfortable, loving on him, and spoiling him rotten. Tomorrow is just errands day and maybe some baking since it’s been slightly cooler. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.
Prayers for Thor๐๐ป
I hope Thor recovers soon
Sending good vibrations to Thor, and Bibi adds healing puppy kisses.
We’re sending all our hugs and purrs for you and Thor.