After five rounds of auditions, an aggressive lobbying campaign including full-page advertisements in Variety, and generous gift baskets for the producers, Moofy won the coveted title role in the Cucamonga Dinner Theater production of Finding Nemo.

I’ve got front row seats, Andrew Y.
Is this the same cutie from Thinkle thinkle wittle thtar?
Looks like it might be!
Color looks slightly different but that might just be the lighting.
My first thought too. Cats don’t usually like to wear hats, but this one seems cool with it. Also adorable.
He’s very talented you could call him the Laurence Olivier of the cat theatre.
Thank you,
Now I have THAT earworm in my head for the rest of the afternoon.
Also, where do I score tickets?
I came here also say, hmmm, this looks mighty familiar. Keep ’em comin’! I love this kitty!
Such a natural! Mr. DeMille I’m ready for my closeup.