Hydrotherapy dog loves ducky, video team finds bodega cats, man helps thirsty creature, and Fritz loves sticks!
Golden Retriever Holds Rubber Ducky During Hydrotherapy
Laughing Squid, via NTMTOM
Creators of ‘Shop Cats’ Reveal How They Discover Bodega Cats
People, via NTMTOM
Driver Spots A Lonely Little Traveler On Dirt Road Asking For A Drink
The Dodo, via NTMTOM
Henry trotting along in the water with his pink pony is probably the best thing I’ll see today.
gaaaa so sweet my teeth ache
That young armadillo is adorable! Never thought I’d say that about an armadillo 😉 Love when he stands up to drink. Thank you, Helton👍🏼💙
Think Fritz really wants to gnaw that log, and it won’t cooperate!
I too fell in love with that armadillo. Such a good man.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian Peeps!
Henry is so cute with his rubber duck and his horsie!
I’m so glad the poor little armadillo got water, that was a good thing you did Helton.
Happy T-day in the Great White North!
Love love love Fritz and his stick. Also bodega cats. I don’t remember so many shop cats when I lived in NYC 30 years ago.
Happy Thanksgiving to and from Canadians.
Henry and his aqua therapy toys ❤️.
There’s a good dog video just for Helene and Milton dogs.
Awww…I’m sure there are MANY good save stories from Helene and Milton—wish I could see them all.
SO wonderful about the empty shelters before the storm👍🏼
Wow. It’s so nice to people giving back to dogs like this. That little boy saved by his rescue pup hit me in all the feels.
Also I need a cleanup pig.
Happy thanksgiving you guys!
and now I need to panic and book my arrangements for November. Yuck.
How cute is that armadillo? I have no idea where he was going but hope that he got there safely.
What happens in November?
US Thanksgiving.