It started as a joke, just me and the guys clowning around. But then this nice lady picked me up and took me home and cuddles me every night saying “Who’s my precious long-eared bun bun?” and I haven’t got the heart to tell her I’m really a guinea pig wearing prop ears.

You can hardly tell, Andrew Y.
I love him and his Halloween costume!
I love the unique color pattern. It does look like this adorable bun could be a peeg in disguise wearing prop bunny ears. But I know it’s a precious bun bun.
Bunny or peeg, he’s adorable.
I translated the original post hoping for something funny…it just says ‘headband rabbit”…
But this bun is adorable.
I have a similar headband for washing my face! (plus a kitty one)
That’s one lovely bunny.
That bun is adorable! Gotta wonder what kind of bunnies were his parents, cos never have I seen coloring like that? Still snorgle-able to the max!
Obviously one was white and one was brown😃. It’s almost a Kitleresque pattern.
Well, I figured the colors 🤪, but what rabbit has a hat like that?
And the whole other issue would be Sound. Rabbits are quiet, and Guinea Pigs NEVER. SHUT. UP.
-but what rabbit has a hat like that?
This one does.
This is truth being stranger than fiction.
Hope my Canadian peeps are having a good Thanksgiving; stay well all.
Is it T-day in Canada!???? Enjoy, everyone.