Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding between Planetary Maintenance and a recently terminated employee from our Reality Engineering division, we are attempting to disable a virus that gives everyone the Spider-man ability to cling to walls and other vertical surfaces. While it may be tempting to exploit these abilities, please be aware they could be disabled at any moment.

From your friendly neighborhood submitterator Elizabeth G.
Wow, two maintenance memos in like a week! Should we be worried?
I was wondering the same thing.
Maybe if they break the world enough, then elections won’t happen next week.
Gotta be AI?
It’s in Reddit’s “photoshopbattle” sub-reddit, so not AI, but photoshop.
People always used to say “it’s photoshopped!”. Now we all say “It’s AI!”.
I like the background image.
So cats are toying with us, only pretending to be subject to gravity. Not much of a surprise.
At first I thought that watermark was a cactus, that WOULD be a big deal if he fell into one of those.
Something is definitely not right with Planetary maintenance this week let’s hope everything will be better next week, fingers crossed.
I’m pretty sure mountain lions can actually do this without photoshopping.
There’s a state bill here to ban trophy hunting–protects mountain lions, bobcats, and lynxes. I really hope it passes.
I would have to take that chance and maybe crawl on the wall over my bed.