It’s Caturday! Time to rise and shine and take on the day! And don’t even think about going back to bed, because Hamster is in bed-claiming mode, says reader Tracy R.: “When you’re very tired and you just want to lie down in your bed but you’re too late.”

I’m up, I swear.
Mabel’s such a good helper, yet she still lost employee of the month to the toaster. I demand a recount!
“You’re doing your best, but your best is…deeply unimpressive.”
Aww could Mabel’s eyes have any more love? She just adores him!
It’s Caturday but I don’t know if I can say “happy” yet after the events of this week. I have to return my books to the library (they were due Wednesday after maxing out my two renewals and I only managed to read one of them…). Have another one on hold that I totally forgot about so I had to look at my account after I got the call saying it was in to see what it was (it’s Randy Rainbow’s new book of essays, Low-Hanging Fruit: Sparkling Whines, Champagne Problems, and Pressing Issues from My Gay Agenda). Then stop at the grocery store (on Saturday, ugh), and hopefully clean up my kitchen. I was off yesterday; I got my covid shot then tried to read at the park but it was too cold with the wind, so I ended up just reading in my car in the parking lot, but I didn’t finish the book in time to return it and ended up finishing it later last night.
The dogs gave me a few good laughs this week.
Thank goodness for dogs. The musical dogs were possibly my faves, though of course I love them all. RIP, sweet Ben.
That seems like a come hither look to me.
Going out to dinner tonight with one of my oldest friends. We met and became friends on our first day of law school in 1975. Taking my oldest friend out to dinner on Sunday night for her 93rd birthday.
I’m in need of a LOT of distraction.
Well, in his defense he is obviously on his own, usual, side! I LOVE that you have so many books!!📚💙
The moving finger boops, and having booped, moves on.
Oh she looks just like my Stormy baby!
Hi Hamster – you certainly know how to strike a pose!
I gave myself the week to wallow, I had take-out almost every night because I couldn’t cook. Now it’s time to pull it together and makes some plans. I want to take stock of what large, important purchases I might have to make next year, and see if I can afford to squeak them in this year. Air Conditioner is #1, new pair of Hoka’s is #2. Lots of other planning too.
If you all are interested, Jon Stewart interviewed Heather Cox Richardson on his podcast this week: It is very good, and there is some hope.
Sending love and light to all of you
Thanks for that link! Richardson’s insights have always impressed me. Another link to share:
I haven’t heard this one yet but it came highly recommended by commenters on my political blogs. I plan to indulge after errands today.
I’ve never been so gutted by an election result and I don’t even live in the USA. 😥
Me too!
Because it has worldwide implications, for peace and climate change at the very least. Also a slim majority of my fellow citizens showed their worst selves.
Thanks for the recommendation DebG. I will check it out!
I just looked up the podcast version and listened to it while I ran my errands. Thanks. I’ve watched them here and there (and I watch David Pakman, who one of them mentioned, so I saw John Gartner on there). I guess all we can really do right now is live our lives.
It’s amazing how a cat can magically increase in size to fill an entire bed…
Last week I finally got round to doing something I’ve wanted to do for ages – volunteer as a litter picker/general tidier-upper for my neighbourhood in York. The induction takes place on Tuesday, when I expect to be given the Official Yellow Jacket and Pointy Stick.
In other news, I was delighted to learn that the production of “Hamlet” at Stratford I’ll be seeing next March will star two of my favourite actors – Jared Harris as Claudius and Anton Lesser as the Ghost/First Player!
I am now officially jealous–and happy for you. Those are two of my faves as well!
Bravo for volunteering as a litter picker/general tidier-upper!
Hamster really knows how to claim his territory! And he does it so beautifully, in that lovely room.
I’m off for a haircut and yarn shopping–two things that are crucial for my self-care. My latest weaving project is giving me some fidgets but it will be gorgeous when it’s done.
Take care of yourselves, everyone. The US will survive what’s coming. It’s the unfortunate effects on the rest of the world, and the climate, that have me worried. Hugs to you all.
I got my hair cut today, too! Now I’m at a dive bar in the boondocks of Austria, waiting for one of my favorite bands from the States: Three for Silver. Their genre, appropriately, is doom folk.
Oh, and my water heater started making a popping noise while it was running after I took a shower yesterday. It’s quite disconcerting.
The internet tells me it’s caused by sediment in the tank and it needs to be flushed out. I don’t know how urgent it is, though, or if I should call the gas company (which provides service coverage for my HVAC systems and water heater, but I don’t know if that’s something they will take care of) or just call a plumber…and I am in the office Monday through Wednesday so I can’t be home until Thursday/Friday (which I have off because the Oracle system will be offline from Wednesday evening through the weekend so my boss suggested it might be a good time to use a couple days. I have three floating holidays to use by the end of the year, and I won’t be able to take any days around Thanksgiving because it falls in the first week of the fiscal month; I’m saving the third floating holiday for the day after Christmas).
My dad said I might also want to get a plumber to see if something can be done about the noise the pipes in the wall next to the sink make when I run hot water in my bathroom (but that’s always happened; he said it’s because of the expansion from the heat). It’ll cost me some money, and I also need to do things like carpet and something with my kitchen cabinets, but I’m tired of feeling like I live in a crappy house (the general state of mess that I have pretty much always lived in doesn’t help, either, but it’s been so hard for me to get under control and I think it’s a really bad feedback loop). It’s really making my mental health worse, lately, I think. Maybe if I bite the bullet and spend a little bit on making it nicer I’ll at least not be so anxious. (And it’ll be a lot less expensive than waiting for my water heater to fail or explode or something.)
Call a plumber. Hot water heaters need to be flushed every few years, and plumbers are the people who do that. If you’re able to switch to a tankless, that can save on energy bills.
Sorry for your house woes. Would it be helpful to have someone come in and clean? I’ve often dreamt of getting someone in, just every few months, for the big jobs I ignore. Having someone come in would also encourage me to organize and put stuff away. And a clean house would improve my mood too.
I have a service contract through the gas company; they’re coming on Thursday. In the meantime I’m going to try to keep my showers much cooler and shorter as I can.
I’ve thought about having someone come in and do a deep clean, but I really need to declutter first.
Teller has the right idea, I’d rather stay in bed too. I haven’t been sleeping well these past few days. It’s all very depressing, thank goodness for Cutetropolis.
Greetings, fellow Cutetropolitians. I am VERY grumpy today. Don’t read this if you’re too depressed.
Our water supply company knew on Thursday that there was an E. coli emergency with our city water, but didn’t let anyone know until Friday, and ONLY by taping a note to our building’s front door. As our building has over two dozen units, we have almost every kind of human issue here, and since I heard the news first, via a family member, I was the one to go around and let everyone home know. Five children, seven seniors, three immuno-compromised people (including me, thank you meds), two cancer patients, three people with mental issues and eleven people who not speak English. Plus everyone else. Boil water advisory in effect.
Found out on Wednesday that my dad was so terrified that Trump would lose the election that he nearly had a seizure. I’m the only one in my family not pro Trump, and now I don’t dare say anything, in case it literally kills him.
Hubby is working seven days a week, shorter shifts, to help donkey sphincter BIL get the leaves cleaned up, before hubby’s company loses the contract.
I’m keeping an eye out for property here.
Try and have a good weekend.
So sorry, Duckie. That’s a lot of annoyance and trouble all at once.
To all residents of Cutetropolis. It seems that several regulars have not been commenting recently. Please know: no matter your political views, you are welcome here. Those of us who were disappointed with the election results do not mean to make you feel like outsiders. Please come home. We still love you.
❤️ Agreed ❤️
Thank you Duckie, and totally agree. Now that we’ve all vented, I think maybe let’s return to our regular Cutetropolis comments. I for one, have sworn off discussing politics for the next several years just to keep my mental health on an even keel. About the one positive is he can’t run again in 2028 unless he somehow suspends the Constitution and I really, really doubt that will come to pass.
I second that. And I agree that we should resume our usual let’s-not-talk-politics attitude, so we can get away from it all.
Agree. Better for our mental health👍🏼
Amen. I come here to get away from politics, and to focus on a mutual love of All Things Cute.
Such a loverly kitty Hamster is! And how does it happen that a 10 lb cat or dog can suddenly assume proportions enough to take over a bed and feel like a 50 lb brick??
Aside from the usual this week, Miss Valkyrie was under the weather. She didn’t even bark at the pool guy when he came. 😱 I’ve never known her to pass up an opportunity to bark at people. But she’s doing better today so I think she might have twisted something when she jumped on or off the furniture. Other big news is hubby’s car that he ordered 1-1/2 yrs ago was finally delivered 👏🏻👏🏻👍! We picked it up yesterday and he was showing it off to all buddies today. It’s a 2024 Mustang Dark Horse in Dark Matter Grey. No other big plans this weekend, which just happens to be a 3 day weekend. Yea me!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!
I just took a stupid walk for my stupid mental health (even though it was dark), and approached the outline of a guy who I was 99% sure had a dog with him but couldn’t see it. As I got closer he went up onto the grass toward his door and I finally saw the two Yorkies (who I’ve seen before, and also the guy, but it was too dark to tell if it was him). One is a puppy still and the other is older. As I passed by I said, ‘There are dogs!”
*Also took out the trash after cleaning out my fridge. Have you ever smelled rotting cauliflower? Don’t.
Is it like rotting raw potatoes?
Actually, that might be worse. But it’s lingering even though I dumped them into the trash last and took it out right after, and the dish is soaking in hot soapy water in the sink.
If anyone wants to revel in the schadenfreude and find some laughs in the horror of this week, go to the subreddit r/LeopardsAteMyFace.
I’m in my Petty Bitch Era and enjoying the stupid.