The place actually froze over. They kept saying it would never happen, but here it is. I’m going to miss the smell of sulfur and brimstone, but I suppose we’ll adapt somehow. I’ll say this for sure, though: There’s gonna be a whole lot of people up top making good on some heavy promises.

Hellraiser ))), by Staropramen1969, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Yeah, we know why H*ll froze over, pup. Gonna be that way for 4 years. Buckle up.
Thank you Mike and 6Rabbits, I needed the laughs today. And poor puppers, he does not look too happy with his “hat”.
So that’s why my car was covered in ice this morning…
They say we’ll get frozen rain tomorrow morning so yeah it will be hell driving.
Hmm. Maybe I’ll bet my 401k on Buffalo to win the Superbowl. Led by Jim Kelly, come out of retirement.
I love this so much.
Me too.