Chihuahua rescued from under bridge, baby cows try pumpkin pie, kitten roars for affection, downward prairie dog, and more.
Kitten Begins ‘Roaring’ for Affection When Kind Person Lets Him In
Love Meow, via Andrew Y.
Truck driver’s mistake leads to lucky kitten rescue
That Good News Girl / YouTube, via Dana D.
And finally: Downward Prairie Dog
Thérèse B. shares this cutie doing a BIG STRETCH.
oh just a prairie dog doing yoga, nothing else!
— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) December 2, 2024
Love the links today!
I couldn’t click the last link Downward Prairie Dog doesn’t work but I copy/pasted it and it took me to the prairie dog video. I’ll try to repost it.
Thanks! Your link works! And the Prarie Dog streeeeeeeech is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen😁
The tailo!! The arms reeeeeeeeeeeeaching for…the sun?…hope?…a savior from trump? Too qte!
The Cat Distribution System of COURSE has every known vehicle at its paw-tips! I mean, it’s CATS!
Thanks for posting that link. I found a different way to embed the video, so it should appear now.
Never thought I’d want to have a spa day with cows, but here we are.
Toby’s blue eyes!

Toby could stand in for Puss in Boots. What a doll.
Grumpy Bridge Troll indeed! I’m so happy Burbie got back to her family.
I love love love the dramatic prairie dog stretches.
Can’t wait to enjoy other links later! The calves might reduce me to blithering mess (not that it takes much).
Spicy chihuahua first thing in the morning! I soon as I saw the headline I started laughing, thinking yep, typical wawa behavior. You’d think she’d be appreciative but nah, not Burbie. Glad her family saw the news story and she’s back with them. Mini-cows and darling dogos and caterwauling cats, ded for the day. Prairie dog does yoga better than me, lol. And doesn’t surprise me that the CDS has expanded from houses to vehicles, gotta get the cats homes by any means neccessary.
Those baby cows have stolen my heart. I’m pretty sure the white one produces spinnable fiber.