‘Twas the Caturday before Christmas, and this cat is ready to claim all the good loot. To everyone in Cutetropolis and the world, happy holidays.

Pat under the tree skirt, by sarahstierch, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
‘Twas the Caturday before Christmas, and this cat is ready to claim all the good loot. To everyone in Cutetropolis and the world, happy holidays.
Pat under the tree skirt, by sarahstierch, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
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I hope kitty gets all the jingle mice and catnip he wants and I wish everybody a happy Cutetropolis Holiday season.
“I’ll just lurk under the tree skirt and wait for my humans to remove the rubbish from those sweet, sweet boxes”
Friends, it’s been a frustrating week at the Shortcakery. I went for a minor filling on Wednesday only to discover, via X-rays, that my almost 40 year old bridgework is on its last legs. Despite being well made “by the standards of its day” (a comment that made me feel almost Victorian) it was apparently something of a museum piece. I may have to settle for a denture rather than implants, a prospect which I have to admit is more acceptable at 64 than it was at 26. Also, my zealous attempts to entice small birds into the garden have not been successful – a couple of blackbirds have turned up but for the most part I’m paying good money to make fat pigeons fatter, and I feel somewhat imposed upon.
On a more festive note, ’tis the time of year to listen to my favourite audiobook, “A Christmas Carol” read by Anton Lesser. I expect to be in bed by 8pm with a plate of mince pies and my new electric blanket…
It does take a while to get birds to come to your yard on a regular basis. I assume they will be more desperate in Winter so don’t give up yet!
Happy Caturday. I am ready for Christmas to be over and I don’t even have kids or any big event or anything like that. I’m just not that into it this year. I need to figure out what’s all in the pile of stuff on my couch for the few people I actually buy gifts for and if I need to get anything else.
Alice – Usually on Christmas Eve I wrap presents while listening to A Christmas Carol read by Neil Gaiman (from the NY Public Library podcast, circa 2015, I think), reading from Dickens’ own prompt copy that the library holds. After recent revelations about certain accusations against him, it feels ruined and I think I need to find a different version.
I want Baxter’s human to read me stories.
#1 is clearly a Christmas angel.
#1 is definitely a Christmas angel!
George with the “Charlie Brown” tree is hysterical. They need to cut off the top and just have a short tree, or put it on a stool. Don’t know how anyone could think that tree was gonna look good!
Love how all of Winnie’s siblings rushed to her when she howled. “Dude, what’s wrong?”
Also, bad about Dickens or Gaiman?
Never mind, found it
Another week of love and laughter from WRD. I love the dog who’s suspicious of the snowman, and the corgi/shepherd mix.
Happy Holidays everyone! I actually survived the chaos and franticness at work, I’m now off for the next week, yippee!!! WishI could have been like kitty and stayed under the covers this morning but something got me awake early and I finally gave up at around 4:45 am and just got up. Going to be a busy weekend. Grocery shopping and chex mix making followed by a car show meetup today. Tomorrow off to a a Christmas artist market. The place is also offering free workshops so I’m thinking of trying pottery thowing. On an actual wheel. I may end up with the bowl version of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, lol. Next week will be busy with cleaning out the storage shed and organizng the house. After all that, I might be thrilled to go back to my desk job for a break. And here’s Thor and Val wishing everyone a Merry Chritmas.
👍🏼Chex Mix👍🏼
Aww, Thor and Val, happy Christmas to you too! Thanks for sharing them AJ
Delightful puppers in their pix!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pups with us! They’re so sweet.
I started making Chex Mix (from the OLD recipe) yesterday. Make it in the crock pot which is soooooo much easier than the oven! Got 3 batches done—takes 2.5 hours on low. Make it for my brother’s and sister’s families—and Me!☺️ Anyone who wants the recipe, let me know!
Will continue CM today while wrapping gifts and writing cards (yes, I know I’m behind🙄). Going to dinner with my brother and sister’s families—those who can make it—on Sunday. We always used to do dinner on my Dad’s birthday, 12/23, but he passed away last summer😭. We still continue the tradition, tho.
We got a lot of snow yesterday. Unfortunately it will be gone before Christmas, when it will rain. *sigh*
🎶🎅🏽🦌🎄🕯️Merry Christmas and Happy whatever other holidays you celebrate at this time!☃️🔔❄️🎊🎶
My favorite adaptation of A Christmas Carol is Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol. My second favorite is the live solo stage performance by Patrick Stewart, which was a remarkable piece of theatre.
I wish everyone here the best winter holiday(s) of their choice, and a healthy, safe new year. Today I welcome the Winter Solstice, and I certainly hope that with more light will come more enlightenment.
Hi everyone! I made it to California, where I will be all week. I’m taking my niece and nephew (6 and 9) to see the Nutcracker tomorrow (and thereby allowing Santa to come help their mom with Christmas gifts). I also hope we get to see the animated movie flow:
It’s got rave reviews. Otherwise I’m just going to enjoy family and 80F. 🙂
Flow looks great!
I saw the trailer for that when I went to see Inside Out 2. I swear every trailer was an animated movie trying to make me cry.
It snowed here last night. It was snowing on my way home (not sticking to anything and just enough flakes in the air to make the drive home a little nerve-wracking). I didn’t realize it kept up overnight until I looked outside a little bit ago and saw the grass and cars are covered. The pavement is just wet and my car is currently in sun so I’m hoping it will melt off before I have to go out later, but it’s also only supposed to be a high of 33F (29F right now) so I don’t know if the sun will be enough.
Most of my fave animals in one movie–maybe there’s a wombat cameo. I have to see this.
Tis the weekend before Christmas, and all through the house, things are going absolutely crazy!
First off, car is back on the road, and we got (junk)mail yesterday! Not sure why they’re delivering all the expired flyers, but…
Duckie went on an egg laying freak out this week, and I was worried she was going to lay herself to death! She finally stopped yesterday, and now we are working on recovery.
I played Santa and delivered over a dozen gifts to people we won’t be seeing again before Christmas. Now there’s a big empty in my closet.
Today is general tidying up. Monday is an outing with my sisters and mom.
Hubby’s work hours seem to change from day to day.
Looks like I’m going to have a cold for Christmas.
No snow.
Off to wreak havoc.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Alice, have you tried bird suet?
How many eggs total for Duckie? She needs a spa day!🛁
Four large (for a small bird) in three days.
Duckie, I have tried bird suet but so far there has been no interest. However, the weather is quite mild and it may take colder temperatures to attract customers.
Happy solstice, everyone! HWhatever and however you celebrate, I hope you enjoy it. And I hope this kitty gets all the toys on their list!
Need to make some more donations, and reach out to family, and that’s about it for my holiday prep. I also plan to make some sweet treats for work. We only get Christmas Day and New Year’s Day off this year; I opted to take time off after New Year’s so this will be a weird week. Also my new appliances get delivered one week from today: fridge, microwave, and induction stove that’s the culinary equivalent of a self-driving car. I’m not doing much for Christmas but will celebrate at home for New Year’s.
Waiting eagerly for some more yarn to get delivered today. Then it’s back to the loom!
Hugs to you all.
HA! 😆
Quite so. Reason’s Greetings!