An important step in any puppy’s education is learning how to behave around the exotic and perplexing creatures known as cats. And so Professor Buddy gives his puppy pupil a paws-on introduction to one very patient volunteer.

An important step in any puppy’s education is learning how to behave around the exotic and perplexing creatures known as cats. And so Professor Buddy gives his puppy pupil a paws-on introduction to one very patient volunteer.
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Very bad timing–I just went to the dentist, so it will be 6 more months before they find the cavity from so much sweetness.
Kitty’s expression had me howling. “Not the tail! NOT THE TAILLLLL!!!!!!!” Everybody was surprisingly mellow. Must be Buddy’s calming influence.
I think the Professor is teaching by osmosis. That is one patient cat and yeah, she was schooling that puppers at the beginning. The look when the puppy was trying to hold the cat down, just priceless. I was laugh-crying.
Okay. #1 Puppy’s swishy tail!
#2 Look on kitty’s face when puppy starts to lick her face: the EYES😂
#3 Both are adorable!!
Kitty is very patient but is definitely not enjoying the attention from the cute puppy.
Puppy’s face when he looks at the camera at the end. 🥰
How can I sign up for this class?
Cat: “I’m not nearly paid enough for THAT!”