Art For Cat Lovers: 54 Adorably Cozy Illustrations By Jamie Shelman
Bored Panda, via NTMTOM
Cute And Funny Pics Of People Who Treat Their Animals Like VIPs
Bored Panda, via NTMTOM
Man Finds Mysterious Egg In The Center Of London
The Dodo / YouTube, via A9
Rooster Loves Reading Newspaper With His Grandpa
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via A9
And finally: So That’s Why They Call Him Prancer
Allein shares a caribou, just a-prancin’ in the snoo.
Aww – happy caribou! Is this what they mean with “tripping the light fantastic”? Someone’s got to set this to music. Great way to start the day.
They did but I could only find it on facebook:
The music is just perfect for this happy caribou.
I know! I had it stuck in my head for a while. Though thanks to Kar, I now have Rhythm is a Dancer stuck there.
I love that caribou so much; he makes me happy. I first saw it on facebook with music and captions (and watched it several times), which made it so much better (couldn’t find that version anywhere else, though). It had him saying “hey human” just before the person in the car says “hey buddy.” And “no thoughts, just vibes.” Also had a little info on how they head south to find sheltered areas where they can find food when it snows.
This video’s description says:
A caribou’s morning prance.
Occurred on March 7, 2024 / Soldotna, Alaska, USA
“This video of the caribou prancing was taken in Soldotna AK on the morning of March 7th, 2024. I just dropped my kid off to the bus and was on my way back home when I saw the happy caribou prancing up the hill from my house. We see caribou around here quite a bit, but I had never seen them prance like that or jump before! I’m so glad I was able to catch such an amazing moment!”
As the ancient saying goes,
Rhythm is a Dancer.
I would watch happy caribou all day. It’s just delightful.
Also don’t let my cats see the Game of Thrones throne–they will want one and I don’t have space for it.
These posts all made me smile. Is the caribou auditioning for Disney? It could be in a Happy Feets 3 (or whatever number they’re up to). The music on the FB video is just perfect! Love that the man raising the “egg” made the choice to not keep it as a pet. So happy that they’re getting some of the animals out of LA, several rescues and the Humane Society in my area are also going up and loading up to bring them down to San Diego. I’ve been getting posts/emails asking for people to open up their homes for fostering so there’d be more room to bring down even more animals. Fingers crossed that the winds die down and we get some rain soon. We’ve been lucky so far in my area that the winds aren’t too bad and any fires have been contained quickly.
Glad you are safe, and YES…🌧️RAIN💦
Good to hear that you’re OK.
What a happy-go-lucky caribou! Love his dancing/hopping mode of transportation💙 Just looks so carefree😊
When I shared it on Facebook I said “I think the word for this guy is ‘jaunty.’”
How is this comfortable? My back hurts just looking at the photo.
Because cat.
Exactly what I was thinking!
And I love the tiny *blep*
Okay. THIS pic!

My bun needs one of these!
I think that we can all relate,….
One of the comments on that one was something like, “my cat wants one, and also the fuzzy thing on the left.”
That’s perfect.
Is that Vigo the Carpathian in the background on the wall?
I think this belongs here. Folks, feel free to repost as you see fit. We all need good news and encouragement.
THAT was amazing! So good to see all the happy stories and the amount donations and volunteers is amazing💙
People truly love their pets as family. And the ecstatic man at the end was just so heartwarming!
I saw a couple of them yesterday (Max and the guy trying to get to his two dogs at the end). The video about Max that I saw didn’t say if they found his family, but then he was featured at the end of the 6:30 news broadcast (which is usually some kind of feel-good story) and they said that his family had been located, so I was happy to hear that. I hope they are reunited soon.
Thank you. Really needed this today.
The Wild Bird Fund mentioned in the rooster video is in my neighborhood! They’re a terrific organization, and I have seen everything from ducks and chickens and geese to swans and peacocks there—to say nothing of many rescued pigeons and sparrows.
Riyadh Khalaf, who rescued the egg that gave forth Spike the duck, is, I think, worthy to be deemed a Man of Cutetropolis.
Yes to Riyadh as a Man of Cute. Spike’s story was just amazing. Duckingham Palace was glorious.