Oh sure, a snowy day looks like a lot of fun. People throwing snowballs, making angels, riding sleds and all that. What they don’t tell you is how it freezes your little pawpads off.

Snow Cat, by lewinb, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Oh sure, a snowy day looks like a lot of fun. People throwing snowballs, making angels, riding sleds and all that. What they don’t tell you is how it freezes your little pawpads off.
Snow Cat, by lewinb, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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Oh poor baby come to my house and you’ll never have to be out in the cold ever again!
Perfect with the snowflakes falling on the site!
I will carry you wherever you want, baby.
The paw pads must be protected at all costs!
I feel ya kitty. I hated being out in the cold with cold and/or wet feet, makes one so miserable. Come to my place and you’ll never be out in the cold again.
Aww, poor baby. I had to clean snow off my car this morning. I know how it feels on the ‘paws’.
love that comment about Neron and Keira:
He is tall, dark, handsome & a loner….she is cheerful & vibrant & fun….
they meet & fall in love….!!!
Where is the Hallmark Movie channel?
Just found out we are going to have sub zero temps Sunday thru Wednesday! All sorts of warnings. And that’s not accounting for wind chill.💨 Brrrrrrr!
We’re supposed to get rain tomorrow and then 3-4 inches of snow on Sunday.
Tuesday and Wednesday have single-digit lows (Monday’s low is to be a comparatively-balmy 11…).
Our low Wednesday is supposed to be -17! From Sunday on to Wednesday we are negative temps. I’m gonna batten down the hatches! My area is notorious for not canceling school for any kind of weather. Wonder if they’ll do it this time?
I think we aren’t very far from each other, Allein. My weather widget says it’s going to get super-cold here starting Monday for at least through Thursday, with lows in teens and single digits, and highs in teens and 20s (that’s Fahrenheit, for our Celsius/Centigrade friends).
Lately, I’ve been shorting Bibi on walks, because it’s been too cold for her. She’s pretty good about using her piddle pads at night, and fortunately, if she leaves me a “present,” it’s a small one and easy to clean. I feel guilty about not taking her out, but I think I’d feel even guiltier taking her out into such cold weather. She’s only wee.
I think you’re in New York? I’m in central NJ.
I’m in NYC.
I think we aren’t very far from each other, Allein. My weather widget says it’s going to get super-cold here starting Monday for at least through Thursday, with lows in teens and single digits, and highs in teens and 20s (that’s Fahrenheit, for our Celsius/Centigrade friends).
Lately, I’ve been shorting Bibi on walks, because it’s been too cold for her. She’s pretty good about using her piddle pads at night, and fortunately, if she leaves me a “present,” it’s a small one and easy to clean. I feel guilty about not taking her out, but I think I’d feel even guiltier taking her out into such cold weather. She’s only wee.
Apologies for this duplicate post. I was having trouble with the system yesterday.
Here we’ll have -16 on Tuesday and -17 on Wednesday that’s daytime temperature it goes down to the -20’s at night 🥶
Fº or Cº?
It’s snowing right now at the beginning of a 2-day storm. We’re expecting a low of -4 tomorrow night, which is REALLY cold for my part of Colorado. I did all my errands this afternoon so I don’t have to leave home until Tuesday, when I drive in to work.