Welcome to the Caturday chat room, where all visitors are welcome. Well, almost all. Reader Tracy R. shares this photo of her cat Hamster ignoring an unwelcome guest: “My son’s dog, Fika, came to visit Hamster. It was not a love match.”

Welcome to the Caturday chat room, where all visitors are welcome. Well, almost all. Reader Tracy R. shares this photo of her cat Hamster ignoring an unwelcome guest: “My son’s dog, Fika, came to visit Hamster. It was not a love match.”
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Hamster is beautiful and clearly in charge. I would like to cuddle Fika, though. Seems to need it.
I swear you can almost feel the waves of indifference breaking against the camera.
I was hoping to leave hospital for the weekend and return for a liver biopsy on Monday, but the doctors decided to keep me in and do regular blood tests. At the moment it looks as though I’m suffering from autoimmine hepatitis, but hopefully the biopsy will provide more info. Although I’m not feeling too bad I’m still a peculiar shade of yellow.
I’ve just realised that I’m only about five minutes away from the Shortcakery as the crow flies! The view from the ward window is identical to that from the end of my street. If only there was a strategically placed bridge…
Or you were Mary Poppins? You could just float home. Must be a wonderful way to travel. Wishing you continued good health and recovery.
Hope you are home soon and back to your normal color!
Although there’s no cure the condition can be managed with medication. I’m so glad I’m over 60 and no longer have to pay for prescriptions!
Oh, that’s good. Also glad you don’t have to deal with the US health system for that…
Oh, I wish I lived in England!
There’s a poem for that:
Yep, very nice, but that’s not the reason I would like to live there NOW, if you get my drift😉
In fact, if I could figure out how to live in Canada, I’d go for that too!
Come on over.
Oh, I understand. I just couldn’t resist the cue!
Get well and get home! Bibi sends healing puppy kisses.
(And don’t stay yellow; you’d have to get your colo(u)rs done all over again.)
I hope you’re in the pink soon (see what I did there?) and back home in your comfy house.
In Québec we still have to pay for part of our medication even if we’re over 60 but there’s a monthly limit and after that it’s free.
We’re continually sending purrs and good wishes that you’re home soon, safe and sound and no longer yellow.
Aw, doggie can come sit with me.
I’m not having a good week. I opened a Discover high yield savings account, and linked it to another savings account to transfer money. I got an email on the 15th that the transfer was successful and the money would be available on the 17th. So I checked last night when I got home and saw that the transfer was reversed the same day I got that email (but I got no notification of that). I sent them a message and they actually responded last night and said it was the credit union that did it (but they also didn’t contact me about it; if there’s some sort of security flag you’d think they’d want to check and make sure?). I get a bonus if I put a certain amount in the account within 45 days; I hope I’m not going to have a problem making that transfer. Though I also have another savings account that almost has enough in it and I want to close that, anyway. It used to be a high-yield account and they changed it without even telling me and now it earns basically nothing. I could open another account there and just move that money but now I don’t trust them.)
Then I got a letter from my condo office about the inspection they did last week, which is just someone coming in and testing that your smoke alarms work. He tested the one in my hallway, I told him there was also one in the bedroom but he didn’t test that. There is also a wired alarm in the hallway ceiling, which has not worked since before I moved in here. I told him that, and he didn’t say anything, but I just got this letter saying it’s a violation and needs to be fixed by March 21st. My dad’s coming over later to look at it.
1. Why is this an issue now; I’ve been here over 12 years, they do this every five years, so it’s been inspected twice since I moved in (2020 and 2015), and they never said anything.
2. Why didn’t he tell me that when he was here?
3. There is a working smoke detector approximately two feet away from it. So why does it matter?
But at least the dogs were good…
Grrr – such money problems are really annoying. I’m so sorry. I hope it can get straightened out. And your fire alarm! Extra annoying. Do you have any proof of the communications? Or that it has been out since before you moved in? I hope your dad can fix it for you.
No proof other than presumably they would be able to see it’s never been cited before.
• Illegitimis non carborundum •
What Tara said. Hope everything gets resolved on both fronts, with minimal trouble for you.
So….my dad took the smoke detector down and THE WIRE ISN’T EVEN CONNECTED TO ANYTHING!!!!!
We don’t even know if it’s connected to other units or not; if it is I’ll need to get an electrician. And the office is closed until Tuesday so I can’t even ask questions. Talked to my neighbor downstairs and he didn’t know. Gonna try to talk to the woman across from me if I can catch her when she gets home.
That’s classic. smh.
Good grief! You mean the condo complex never hooked it up? That is NOT your fault! In fact, wouldn’t that be a legal issue for the owners? Never having had the correct fire safety in place? Obvy if disconnected they never checked it before, cos then you would have known!
I’m glad you’ve got your Dad to help you! I desperately miss my Dad!
No, he said it looks like someone disconnected it. It looks like the wire attached to the actual unit was cut.
I am the owner. Though I assume it was installed when the place was built (it looks really old). But you’d think that’d be something the home inspection would look at when I bought it, too…
Honestly, I often wish I could just move.
So Discover finally notified me this morning that my transfer was returned. And sent me the email three times…
I don’t know if anyone is still reading this thread but now I’m pissed. I posted the question about the fire alarm and whether it’s interconnected to other units in the community’s facebook group (since the office won’t answer my email until Tuesday) and someone responded and said “I was told they have to be interconnected and the same exact ones. If you press the button on the one downstairs, the upstairs one has to also go off.” I said the guy downstairs from me didn’t know anything about it and she replied with, “yeah the inspector guy was super nice and explained to me exactly what we needed to pass next time they come. The wires in the hallway one have to be connected (I believe the red one specifically) so that if the smoke alarm were to go off downstairs, the upstairs one would also go off.”
I don’t know if she had a different inspector, but the guy who came to my place did not say a single word about it needing to be fixed, let alone how to fix it. The letter I got just says “please comply with the state’s requirement” and provide proof by 3/21. Nothing about what exactly I have to do or what the specific requirement even is. Am I supposed to be psychic? Also, apparently previous inspectors were not doing their job.
I am annoyed and that is a very mild euphemism for what I really want to say right now that is not at all cute-friendly.
(And if I get this sorted out and it starts going off because other people are doing something stupid, I will scream.)
Hamster – you are so handsome. And boy does Fika know not to get anywhere near that paw, which is clearly poised to whap. Fika looks like she knows her place. Good girl.
Thank goodness for this site. Thanks to Allein and Riki & Bibi’s Mom I learned that it will snow tomorrow. So, I will run errands (Petsmart) today instead of tomorrow. I swear I check the weather frequently enough I should have known this. But Thursday I was caught in snow showers on my bike for my homeward commute. While its better than rain, the wet streets still make me nervous and when those little snowflake land in your eyes – they hurt! At any rate – I made it home just fine, salted the sidewalks, and all is well.
I also had a wonderful discovery yesterday – there is a sewing machine repair shop 20 blocks from my house as the subway runs. I had the day off and thought – well, let’s see what I can accomplish today. A gear in my Kenmore (1992 Christmas gift) broke during COVID and the shop I took it to was so chaotic I decided not to leave it there. Instead I got my grandmothers Pfaff 130 up and running. What a lovely machine! Except… it stopped working last weekend😢. It revs but doesn’t run. I’ve oiled the heck out of it and it is working a bit better, but not perfect. The very nice repair man at the shop looked at my Kenmore and said he would see if he could find a new gear but couldn’t make any promises. I’m wondering if I can 3D print the gear. It’s plastic to begin with. Then he looked at videos and pics of my Gram’s machine (it’s a attached to a table, so not exactly portable), and isn’t sure what the issue is. But he makes house calls! So I’m going to keep oiling it until he can come and maybe, just maybe, that’s all it is. Fingers crossed.
Hehe, just saw this.
(sound on)
🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Too dang funny, especially when poor baby falls off.
Spitting image of Wednesday Adams LOL!
She’s got some other cute ones, too!
I refuse to believe that cat is real. The ears are out of control.
oh my goodness
She sounds exactly like the woman who does the Walter the Catt videos (same intonation, same vocabulary). I wonder if the sound is taken from her channel and imposed over this video? I know it says “original sound,” but geez. They could be twins.
I rest my case:
Seems to be a sound-file just floating around without attribution.
And I’ve found more. I’ll spare you; IMO, it gets old fast.
If you watch it on Instagram and click on the words “original audio” it takes you to a page that is a collection of videos from different accounts using the same audio.
This pic demonstrates the concept of utter disdain. How dare you bring a dog into my presence!!?? Both are adorable and snorgable.
Nothing exciting going on here. Lego club today, errands and shopping tomorrow. Monday I have off for Martin Luther King Day plus hubby has to drive up to Oxnard for work so I have a day to myself and I’ll be exploring the Natural History Museum. Might also go back to the Japanese Garden.Stay warm everyone!
Oxnard has to be one of the worst names for a town. A guess about it’s meaning…”I spent all morning shoveling the oxnard out of the barn…”
It actually means “oxherd”; that is, one who herds oxen.
The city was named after its founder.
I taught some classes there, back in the day. It’s like most small towns: pretty in some places and not so much in others. It’s a good place to stop midway between bigger towns in SoCal.
I’m doing a little better this week but my first thought when I wake up in the morning is still that I have to get up to give Minnie her pill.
In other news I’m still having problems with the Ecobee thermostat it still keeps rebooting for no reason many times a week. I’ve already had it replaced in December but the new one does the same thing. The guy from the company who installed came again this week and said they don’t know why it does it but he’s seen other people having the same problem at least it doesn’t seem to affect the furnace or the heat pump they are both working and I have heat in the house.
Hugs, Georgiana.
My Honeywell smart thermostat has been giving me fidgets too. Maybe all the smart devices have ganged up on us lately!
Behind the scenes at WeRateDogs. Tim’s a busy guy!
I love Tim very much.
That’s hilarious!
Hello, weekend. Greetings to you, most noble Hamster.
I am supremely grumpy today. Yesterday was hubby’s birthday. His boss took him out for coffee, and his boss’s boss gave him a gift card. The mall management did nothing. Not even a card. And they haven’t said anything to him regarding the fire last month. Not even a thank you. Hubby says he doesn’t care, but I can see the hurt in his eyes.
Bought a new printer this week. While setting it up, I realized that one of the cords was missing. So I went to website’s live chat, to ask how to go about resolving it. He said he could help me, and then asked me to confirm my full name, phone number and mailing address. I told him that the store didn’t require that info when I bought the printer, so how could he confirm things? I felt uncomfortable, so I went back and took screen shots of the entire chat. He said he couldn’t help me until I told him my full name, address and phone number. I told him I would go to the store instead and ended the chat. Then I filled in the customer service form at the end and sent them my screenshots, explaining why I gave him a zero.
Going for “coffee” with BFF, and then settling down to little chores.
Have a great weekend, everyone, and stay warm, dry and safe.
That’s weird with the printer-help guy. You have to give that info if you buy on line, but not in person! Did you pay with cash or credit? Seems weird.
Fika, I will hug you even if Hamster does not. What lovely floofs, both of them!
Folks, can you all help me remember that I can add to the sum of human kindness? I haven’t been in the best place emotionally and fear it will be worse next week. So I made some plans:
Finish reorganizing my home, because the current disarray upsets me. Have to be good to myself before I can be good to others.
Keep working on gifts for friends and family, then start making some hats for local homeless shelters. I can knit a hat in bulky yarn in an evening, and it’s so cold here, someone will find them useful.
Fill my world with positive stories that show people at their best. Just watched the video from earlier this week, about the 3 dogs rescued by the news crew. That helped a lot.
Thanks for all your support. Stay warm and healthy. Get things fixed, whether they’re your health or your sewing machines or whatever. Remember that grief doesn’t last forever, but the love for a lost pet absolutely does.
With your post, you have already added to the sum of human kindness.
If anything feels too big to tackle, remember the way that babies learn to walk. Try taking smaller steps!
Agreed with Ricky & Bibi’s Mom. And also, come visit us as often as possible. Your comments to everyone here are kind an encouraging. I’m so grateful to “know” you through this site. 🥰
Thank you and Ricky & Bibi’s Mom. I appreciate everyone on this site so very much.
Thank you for your kind words.
I am sorry for your troubles. Never a good place to be. You’ve mentioned a few friends, and they can sometimes make you feel better if you reach out. I love hearing from you💙 so make sure to come back here and wallow in te qte! Cute always helps. I hope your cats are all okay. I know pets can provide comfort, as mine have when I’m upset. Take care of yourself! Try a bubble bath if you have a tub👍🏼 Sending healing bunny kisses from Pretzel. Seriously, being licked by a bunny is the *best* feeling!
Oh, and I just learned that it’s Winnie the Pooh day, if you need something to celebrate.
Yes, A A Milne was born on this day in 1887? Alexa reminded me of a line from his books, which I’m paraphrasing badly: Sometimes the smallest things take up the biggest space in your heart.
Eat some Hunny!
To me, the E.H. Shepard illustrations are the only “real” ones.
Yeah, but there were no animated ones (actually I didn’t see that one when I searched).
Awww. I love that picture.
I didn’t realize you’d posted an animation. Safari doesn’t let me see animations unless I control-click on them, so I have to guess.
Edited to add: I just figured out how to fix that!
Edited again to add: Rats. If I can see animations, I have to look at stupid ad pop-ups, too. Feh. I’ll go back to guessing.