Welcome to the weekend! For today’s Caturday open thread, reader AB shares two adorable cats, a one-of-a-kind quilt, and some sage advice.
Over 27 years ago, my husband’s grandmother made us this beautiful quilt for our wedding. I was afraid to use it as bedding because I didn’t want to risk damaging it, but I’ve finally realized that even precious things are meant to be used and enjoyed. Dark Phoenix and Methredhel are making the most of it, as they should!

That is a beautiful quilt and I’m sure your husband’s grandmother would be happy that you are finally using it, your beautiful cats sure seem to appreciate it!
I’ve been having problems with my legs lately it’s like an itch in my lower legs, sometimes it’s get so bad I can’t sleep.
I eliminated the usual suspects dry skin or an allergic reaction so that leaves poor circulation or nerve damage both common problems in diabetics like me. I’ve ordered compression socks to see if that will help, fingers crossed it does.
I hope everyone is safe and warm and has a good weekend.
You need to see a doctor. There could be underlying issues, even if the socks help. Take care!!
Please kiss your kitties for me. Hope we see them here soon. And hope that you’re feeling better.
I hope you feel better soon, Georgiana! I agree with 6Rabbits, it does seem a doctor visit is indicated. I hope you can get the help you need.
Please see a your doctor, Georgina– diabetes complications can have reactions like this.
That is a *beautiful* quilt! The flowers are hand stitched on top of the quilt. It’s a lot of work. My mom quilted, but never a bedspread, biggest was blankets. I know how much work went into that, but you are right that it is meant to be USED, not tucked away. Your grandmother would be very pleased to know it’s getting daily use! And I love the first cat pic—adorable!
Ooh, pretty! Happy Caturday, except I have a headache and I have to work tomorrow. Boo.
The dogs were good, but no pictures, please.
I knew Rick would make it to the top 10.
My puzzle from We Rate Dogs came this week! We have a community puzzle table at work, so we’ll put it together there.
Jupiter napping has me in stitches. What good dogs!
Pablo used to do a tiny version of that, just a single little “whoop” sound with each exhale. The first time I heard it I thought something was wrong. Never heard our mini Schnauzer do that when I was a kid! But then I realized he was just sleeping. The side of his little lip would puff out each time. Sometimes I would just sit and watch.
Olive & Mabel’s formula for life: Dogs + Beach = Happiness
Sheer magic. What a beautiful place.
I wish I was there instead of here…
I’ll go with you.
Field trip!
(Maybe for four years or so?)
HA! 👍🏼
Sounds good.
Isn’t that water COLD?🥶 And boy can Mabel RUN!
Oh wow! Such a gorgeous quilt! And gorgeous kitties to go with it. 🙂 My sister has made three quilts for me, pieced, not applique*, and I love them all and use them all the time. (*isn’t this how you spell applique? I have red dots under the word)
Crazy week last week. Honestly, I feel like 2025 took off without me and I’m desperately trying to catch up. Teaching started, one class, and I could. not. get. it. together. I’ve taught the class for 11 years, so I finally threw a vague syllabus together and called it done. There is a lot of wiggle room with the class so it will be fine. Then I went to school Wednesday evening to do the prep, forgot my keys and ID. Security let me into my office, but I couldn’t use the copy machine because my ID activates it! I took Thursday morning off of work and went to school for all the copying. It’s a history of communication class at an art school and they sew their course book together on the first day. It’s a 40 page set of copies and I have 10 students. It all worked out fine. I have the “good” classroom this semester and the students seem like a nice group. Maybe now we can have smooth sailing. Fingers crossed.
Today I hope to finally sew something! I have lots of plans, cat beds, a wooly top, and a shoulder bag. I’m going to go stand in front of the fabric and see which one speaks to me.
It’s because the acute accent is missing over the e since appliqué is a French word.
It’s the accent aigu over the e that makes it sound like appliquey (like hey Jude) without it would sound like applik.
And that the end of the French lesson for today LOL!!!!!
I always loved dictee in French class–it was like the world’s best spelling bee. Why do US keyboards not have accents?
When I need a word with an accent or other non-standard character, I just google and copy/paste. There are alt- codes for different characters but I’ll be darned if I ever remember any of them.
On a Mac, the accent aigu (acute accent) is achieved by first typing Option-E and then typing the desired letter to be accented. I have to use accent marks and diacritics (phonetic nuance marks) so often that I’ve learned a lot of keyboard combinations like that.
The Mac has a lot of different ways to add accents, including “Show Keyboard Viewer” and “Show Emoji and Symbols” (I also use that a lot). For Windows I think you want to find Alt-Codes, and a websearch on Alt-Codes should help.
If I press hard and hold down the key, I see all the accents available for that letter. Does no one else’s keyboard do this? I’m on a tablet, not a phone.
Wow, great tip. I always go to “Insert” then “Advanced Symbol,” but this is quicker.
I can do that on my phone and tablet. I can also do it on my Mac, but I never think to do it!
Oooooohh! Well that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification 🙂
I learned that if I just *acted* prepared, my students never knew the difference. Glad things are falling into place.
Handwoven bands make fantastic straps for bags and purses. I never enjoyed trying to sew long, perfectly straight straps but I love to weave them on my inkle loom.
My kids always know if I’m not prepared, even if I try to act like I am… and the lesson almost always descends into chaos.
You know more than your students. And when I first started coaching/teaching, I quickly figured out that I only needed to be one lesson ahead of my student. So I have confidence in you, because I’m sure you’re much further ahead than that!
DebG and Ricky & Bibi’s Mom – you are both so right! It took a few months of teaching to figure that out. 27 years later – I’m still counting on the fact that I do know more about the subject than they do.
If it makes you feel any better, I had a class in college where the professor was reading right along with us. It was a class on Dickens, but the professor who normally taught it had surgery over the winter break, and other professors were covering his classes for the first few weeks. Our sub was the guy whose focus was Renaissance lit and earlier (the other classes I had with him were Spenser & Milton, Medieval Lit and History of the English Language). He said the only Dickens he’d ever taught was Great Expectations when he was in grad school. The regular professor ended up taking a few extra weeks off because he wasn’t recovering as quickly as they expected, and he was also the chair of the department so when he did come back he just caught up on his chair duties and didn’t take his classes back (besides, the semester was half over by then).
The sub was awesome; despite the fact that Dickens is much more my speed than Beowulf, he ended up being my favorite professor.
Gorgeous quilt! And even more gorgeous cats. My mom had put away without using a crocheted bed spread that my great grandmother on my dad’s side had made. I never figured out her reasoning for saving and not using these items. I think she believed these things needed to be saved for the next generation. I found it years later and even though it was somewhat falling apart, I managed to use it for about 2 years before it totally wore out but I did save a piece of it for my memory box. My grandmom on my mom’s side also made me some beautiful quilts (1 pink, 1 turquoise with balloons in white squares) that I just loved, used every day and passed down to a niece before I think they finally fell apart. My mom was also a quilter and did embroidery. Her projects were absolutely stunning. All stiched by hand and such tiny stitches too. She tried teaching me and well, those lessons never took. I just couldn’t too it. Or knitting/crocheting. But I greatly admire anyone who does.
Ok, enough tripping down memory lane and on to this weekend. Not much planned, just errands and some shopping. I was supposed to have a painting class at the library but that’s been postponed to next month. Happy weekend all!
Beautiful cats, beautiful quilt. It could have been designed to enhance their fur colour!
I’m now back home, feeling much better, and fully restored from jaundice yellow to my usual healthy Yorkshire pallor. The medication seems to be working, and although the results of the liver biopsy aren’t back yet the doctors seem confident that the problem is Autoimmune Hepatitis. Exactly what caused my autoimmune system to mistake my liver for a dangerous intruder is a mystery to me but at least I know what’s going on!
I forgot to mention another funny hospital incident: my ward was opposite the nurses’ station, and late one night a patient from further down the corridor stormed up and started shouting about the temperature on his ward. He was so irate I didn’t understand if it was too hot or too cold, but he said “I’ve called the police and they’ll be here in ten minutes!” Needless to say the police never turned up and the patient was warned about anti-social behaviour and packed off to bed…
Glad you are on the mend!
So glad you’re back home and feeling better and that the problem with your liver wasn’t worst and could be treated.
I see what you did there.
Yes, I’m so glad the specialists investigated thoroughly and didn’t fob me off with a load of baloney!
But did they you firm info? Not a sausage.
Okay, it was a reach. I’m very glad you’re home and doing better. And away from anti-social nutters.
Such good news, Alice. Yellow isn’t a good color for most people. Nurses get a lot of grief.
Happy Caturday, everybody! AB, your quilt is stunning and your cats are breathtakingly gorgeous. I always have to buy inexpensive bedcoverings because mine puke so much–everything gets washed every weekend.
My hair appointment (which I desperately needed) got canceled because I’m under the weather. My wonderful hairdresser gets sick easily, so we decided to reschedule. Also it’s snowing–AGAIN–and the roads are bad. I will get my groceries delivered. But 20F degrees feels positively balmy after the very low temps last weekend!
It’s a good weekend to stay inside, in front of my fireplace. Hugs to you all.
It’s Saturday once again. A cold, dry, windy day here, making my hair think it’s a dandelion gone to seed.
AB, that quilt is GORGEOUS. I’m so jealous of people who can do that kind of work.
We’re being haunted by the Canada Revenue Services. They keep sending me emails telling me documents are ready for downloading, but I don’t have access to a printer yet, so I have to mail them and ask them to send all documents to me physically.
Little Duckie tried to remove three of hubby’s fingers this week. She was quietly preening herself on her outside perch (she’s free-range during the day), and the foolish man wanted to see what would happen if he gently poked her. He found out. I laughed.
Going to spend the day wrapped up in blankets with a heater nearby. Have a safe, warm, dry and good weekend, everyone.
Duckie, do you have access to a library? If you have a library card, you can use computers at the library to access your email account/”cloud” and print out documents. Of course, you have to pay for the printouts, and I’m not sure what the cost is these days. I think. It’s been awhile since I’ve attempted to access my own account at the library.
The Vancouver libraries have computers that let you access the internet. I’m not sure about the other cities/districts in BC, but it’s worth checking into.
Of course, getting CRA to mail the documents to you makes more sense. Good luck getting that sorted out.
My sister uses the library all the time for copying since she has no printer. Black and white is 0.15 a page.
Such intelligent cats. Soft warm things are meant for napping.
Some Caturday chaos.
Aww babies! Gosh they are so cute.
Some fiesty-ness from a ragdoll!
Well now I’m just a drooling mass of goo. What beautiful kitties.
Wow you could be taking about me.
my mother made me a beatiful amish quilt but I could never bring myself to put it out on my bed where my cats could dirty it.