My human really needs to get her eyeglass prescription updated. I mean, I’m enjoying the hot tub bath, it’s actually quite relaxing, but I can’t really enjoy it knowing that back at my cage she’s wondering why her teabag isn’t eating its lettuce.

My human really needs to get her eyeglass prescription updated. I mean, I’m enjoying the hot tub bath, it’s actually quite relaxing, but I can’t really enjoy it knowing that back at my cage she’s wondering why her teabag isn’t eating its lettuce.
We don’t talk about the bubbles.
To quote Lawrence Welk:
Bubbles Please!
I’ve never wanted to pet a cup of tea before…
Squeeeeeee!!!!!! I sat and pondered for a few seconds just what I was going to be seeing with the scroll down. 10/10 – exceeds expectations! My morning tea usually comes with some loose tea at the bottom but so disappointed this cutie wasn’t in my cuppa today. And I wouldn’t even care about the bubbles.
Story reminds me of this commercial
I love this one. Partly because it’s so relevant to my life.
I love that commercial!
This photographer has some amazing photos from all around the world! He also has pics of a perfectly blue-eyed cat, BUNNIES, hamsters, and many zoo inhabitants. Some up-close, time delayed pics, too. Stunning!
Hammie is adorbs!💙
Very pretty little hammie.