The Girl with the Dogs knows that ragdoll cats are supposed to be mellow, but these three feisty felines are anything but as they get a bath and blowdry. (By the way, reader Allein notes that a new YouTube channel, The Girl With Her Dogs, follows groomer Vanessa as she plays hide and sniff with her own German shepherd.)

I’ve seen these ragdolls and they’re DEADLY, in the best possible way.
I had seen this before, but of course had to watch again!
I want the calm second kitty who liked nail clips and bath🥰
Aww, Mitsy was Stars’s original name!
Can’t wait to see more of the Girl’s little dogs. The GSD tracking her is fun (and I was laughing at her fiancé having to run to keep up) but the little ones always steal my heart. The new channel isn’t really that new, but it was originally for her podcast and she realized that podcasting is not for her, so she’s converting it into a more personal vlog-style thing. She’s also planning to add a cat.
Awww… she puts them in the ‘Easy Bake Oven’ to dry.
It sounds so wrong, and it’s still so cute!
Remember though, the Easy Bakes were simply warmed by light bulbs and I lurved mine…
Yeah, my sister and I had one. We baked Dad a cake and he did try a *small* piece.
We used to mix up the batter and my mom would just put the little pans in the real oven. 😆
Good thing I’m watching this at 10pm, cause that amount of cute has melted my brain! SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I did warn you. But those kittens are irresistible too.