Maru Drives Out Evil

This week was the Japanese festival of Setsubun, the time of year for driving out evil ogres. But frankly, if I was an evil ogre and came across Maru, Hana and Kitten Miri lined up and staring at me like some sort of feline Addams Family, I’d say “You know what? We’re good here, I’ll see myself out.”

Three cats pose in a row. the leftmost cat sits on the floor, the center cat in a stuffed elephant wearing a red Japanese ogre mask, and the rightmost cat sits on a stuffed cow.

Maru and Kitten Miri become purritos. Hana has a purrito wrap as well, but she’s just not filling it.

Now I really want a burrito, Andrew Y.

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3 thoughts on “Maru Drives Out Evil

  1. allein 🐾 February 8, 2025 / 11:19 am

    If Miri can’t fill her purrito bed does that mean there’s room in there to snuggle with her?

  2. Andrew February 8, 2025 / 11:20 am

    Maru looks so comfy in his bed <3

    • Dana February 8, 2025 / 12:55 pm

      SOOOOOOOOOO comfy! 😻

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