Links: Odds Bodkins! Forsooth! Meow!

Accidental Renaissance cats, mermaid dog finds a home, cow breaks into home, baby gorilla, and more.

And finally: The Dawn of Dog

Swell, not only are they evolving, but they’re teaming up. (via Andrew Y.)

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Bengal Bedroom Brawl

In the eyestrain-inducing spaces of nature’s unforgiving realm, the battle for supremacy is harsh and tragic. Here, a mother bengal cat encounters two cubs not her own. Fearing a threat to her dominance, she attacks the younglings. (We present this brutal moment in its entirety and with suitably dramatic musical accompaniment. Viewer discretion advised.)

I can’t watch, Andrew Y.

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Links: Tall Order

Tall baby giraffe, blind bird loves mama, cat loves scooter rides, animals kissing, and more.

And finally: It’s All Downhill From Here

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