Links: Look, Ma! Hands!

Cats with hands, red panda cub, rescued duckling, snoring dog, and more.

And finally: Honk Wub-wub-wub-wub-wub!

Dana D. shares a dog with a cartoon snore.

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Necks of Kin

In the savage wilderness, small animals often adapt to mimic larger, more threatening creatures. Among these is the western wattlewoof (howlus disapprovus) While sounding a warning to others in his group, he also presents the image of a stern disapproving grandfather, causing would-be attackers to question their life choices.

Puppy raises its head to howl, revealing a human face pattern in the fur on its neck.
Why, when I was your age… (Reddit)
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Hippo 7th Birthday, Fiona!

Fiona, the plucky hippo who charmed millions, celebrated her lucky seventh birthday at the Cincinnati Zoo.

From an underweight preemie to full-grown big sister to her feisty brother Fritz, her story reminds us to never give up.

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Links: Cattanooga Choo-choo

Railway cat, champagne giraffe, baby chimpanzee, and wombat birthday.

And finally: Wombat Birthday Party!

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