Links: Grumpy Bridge Troll

Chihuahua rescued from under bridge, baby cows try pumpkin pie, kitten roars for affection, downward prairie dog, and more.

And finally: Downward Prairie Dog

Thérèse B. shares this cutie doing a BIG STRETCH.

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Giving Tuesday 2024

In the year to come, kindness and charity will be needed more than ever. So tomorrow, Giving Tuesday, we take a day to donate to help those with less to be thankful for. As always, Cutetropolitans are invited to share links to worthy charities in the comments, and learn about charities featured in years past.


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Links: It’s High Time

Canip calendar, adoption birthday present, rescued camels, happy capybara, and more.

And finally: I Fits, I Sits

Andrew Y. shares a happy capy.

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