Wow, this is the best dog park you guys have ever taken me to! They even have a swimming pool!
Links: Cats With Jobs
Cats with jobs, boy loves his emu, baby red panda, dog gets new legs, and more.
And finally: She’s Got Legs
And she knows how to use them, in this video found by A9.
Set Face on Stunned
This is the kind of expression that cats reserve for two types of situations: 1. Pulling a big steak of tuna from a shopping bag, or 2. Opening a crate and releasing five newly-adopted puppies.
And Now, The Slow-Cook Chef
Hi, folks. In these times of fast food and quick snacks, it’s good to enjoy cooking the old-fashioned slow way. So in this six-part series, we’ll examine the entire process of making the perfect meal, from picking the right utensils to getting those finishing touches just right. It might take longer, but when we’re done, we’ll have the most perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich you ever ate.