Links: The Insurance Claim Must Be Epic

Elephant flips car, baby orangutan makes public debut, endangered donkey finds a safe home, and a dog with googly eyes.

And finally: Why I Eyes Ya

via Mastodon

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Positioned discreetly on a bluff overlooking the Burpleville Municipal Golf Course, E. Bryce Schmeigler, renowned photographer for Humanwatchers Weekly, waits patiently for that perfect shot. Soon his vigilance will be rewarded as he captures a trio of middle managers observing their companion as he tries to wedge out of a sand trap after three martinis.

cat looks into a camera mounted on a very low tripod
Tragic, yet comical. (Ecchs)

I’d definitely buy that issue, Andrew Y.

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Links: The Helpful Hardware Cat

Hardware store cat, snow leopards born, zoomy wombat, and a little wild turkey after work.

And finally: All-terrain Wombat

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