Movie theater mascot cat keeps cultural lights on in small Hokkaido town
The Mainchi, via NTMTOM
And finally: Come On and Zoom!
Allein brings us the top 10 zoomies, from WeRateDogs.
The Mainchi, via NTMTOM
Allein brings us the top 10 zoomies, from WeRateDogs.
Please lock ear flaps in launch position and binky to runway zero-niner-alpha…
Rabbit Fest, by Tjflex2
A quiet cold day keeps the cats indoors, which gives us a great opportunity to enjoy Maru’s fluffy paws. Later, it’s time to open the holiday mochi so that Maru can sit in the box.
via Andrew Y.
Hey, it’s the weekend! No more boring work stuff, it’s time for the Caturday open thread!
Berlin, Aug-2024, by maltman23, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0