Zero to 100

A proud purring Maine Coon mama raises a litter of kittens, and we’re there for the first 100 days! With special guest stars papa, grandma, great-grandma, and the dreaded cone of shame.

Four Maine coon kittens stand in a row
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But I Have Nothing to Play With!

I mean, just look at this junk! It’s all chewed up and broken, and it just sits there! Mrs. Nussmeyer’s dog across the street has one of those Internet-enabled, self-throwing SmartBones! Why can’t I have one of those, huh?

photo of dog taken from overhead. The dog looks forlornly at you next to a collection of chew bones.
I guess she just loves him more, that’s all.

All The Toys Are Atreacted to Me, by cogdogblog, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

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Links: Toenails of TERROR!

A black cat shows its front claws

And finally: Piano Peeg

Andrew Y. shares a guinea pig hearing a lullaby.

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