Links: What, no Beer Nuts?

Bar for squirrels, cat costumes, rescue pets, uplifting dogs, and butterfly hat.

And finally: Happy Monday!


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Links: Wedding Crashers

Raccoons photobomb wedding shoot, mama lion rescues cub, and butterfly gets new wing, in today’s links.

And finally: The Assault on Fort Kitten

“Is he…gone?!”

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Not a Shy Butterfly

Greetings! You have been selected by the members of Chapter 317 of the International Association of Fairies and Forest Sprites as a Very Good Doggo, and are entitled to full privileges including unlimited scritchies and belly rubs, delicious dog food, and lots of playtime in the park.

dog and butterfly
Wait… I was getting all that already. (Reddit)

This scene could not be more awesome, Sharon H.

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