Links: Purr Tour

Neighborhood cat tour, happy springy dog, cat distribution system runs amok, and the cutest baby otter.

And finally: You Gotter See This Otter

With speakers up! (via Andrew Y.)

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Links: Who’ll Be Top Dog?

World’s cutest rescue dogs, horses find a cat, socially awkward chihuahua, and a sleepy duckie froggy beanie.

And finally: Sleepy Duckie Froggy Beanie

“Duckie needs to see this,” insists Thérèse B.

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It’s All About Mimi

We love the antics of dachshunds LouLou, Coco and now ChouChou, but another member of the family has her own spotlight, notes Cutetropolis reader Allein. Mimi the Bengal cat has her own YouTube channel with her adventures.

“And if you scroll to the bottom there are sugar gliders!” adds Allein. (Content note: Live worms.)

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