Links: The Invasion Begins

March of the capybara, raccoon buddies love the bathtub, blind cat sticks with Mom, and squirrel stumps a dog.

And finally: Well, I’m Stumped

Dana D. brings us a smart squirrel sending a dog around in circles.

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Links: Mental Llama Dental Drama

(The system for creating Links is temporarily broken, so this post is done by hand.)

Llama escapes Maine property to avoid dental exam

UPI, via Allein

Blind Pittie Remembers Man After Months Apart

Cuddle Buddies, via Georgiana Y.

Squirrel squeaks like toy when touched

GeoBeats, via Andrew Y.

Guy Used A Drone And Remote Control Car To Feed Stray Cats

Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.

And finally: They Suspect Nothing

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Links: Try the Taco Bell En-chirp-rito

Baby bird rescued with warm tortilla, stuck sea turtle rescued, greyhound loves stuffed bunny, and meet a sharp-dressed cat.

And finally: Smooth as Silk

DC Cindy shares a sharp-dressed cat.

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