Maru’s Second Childhood

After a rummage through the attic, Maru is reunited with a cherished childhood toy: the CatLauncher 3000, which would catapult him across the room. Broken now, it’s still a great place for a nap.

As long as we’re reliving Maru’s childhood, let’s watch one-year-old Maru getting very emotional over a toy.

Nostalgically submitted by Andrew Y.

More Maru!
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Links: Well, It’s Groundhog Birthday… Again

Famous groundhog has babies, road trip with a piglet, crazy bearded dragon, famous groundhog has babies, and more.

And finally: Socks Go Bye, Baby

Murray C. shares an enterprising pup who holds socks for ransom.

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Psycho Psychic

Speak nothing, stranger, for my mystic crystal ball and magic cards shall reveal why you are here. Your passion is justice, to avenge all who have been wronged. Your pursuit shall lead to a tent at the outskirts of the city, where a con artist uses her crystal ball and magic cards… to… um…

If I was an actual mystic I’d have seen this coming. (Imgur)
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