Maru and the Shrinking Bowls

Is any space too small for Maru? Today’s experiment will test the limits of Maru’s willingness to squeeze into smaller bowls. Future experiments will feature a soup mug, a shot glass, and a thimble.

Whap-in-the-box: Kitten Miri finds the perfect place to play tricks, until Uncle Maru takes a nap in the box.

via Andrew Y.

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Why Won’t Miri Make Merry, Maru?

Kitten Miri turned four years old this week, and Maru and Hana threw her a lavish birthday party — which in true teenage brat fashion she refused to attend.

Thanks as always to Maruologist Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Gentle readers, it pains me to begin today’s open thread with such heartbreaking news, but reader Tracy R. has just informed me that her beloved cat has been (chokes back tears) mildly inconvenienced:

So the tree people came today and the lawn people came today and the loud-recycling-truck people came today, all of which means Hamster did not get his usual sixteen hours of nappage in, so here’s Hamster being exhausted.

Photograph of one corner of a Suburban living room. There is a hardwood floor with a patterned rug, an armchair, and two cats scratching toys upon one of which rests a very tired cat.
I’m so tired I can barely nap.
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